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Crime Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 September 2020

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Questions (941)

Mark Ward


941. Deputy Mark Ward asked the Minister for Justice her views on recently released Central Statistics Office national figures that revealed that Rathcoole, County Dublin had the fourth highest increase in crime; the plans in place to open Rathcoole Garda station on a full-time basis; and the youth diversion projects available in Rathcoole. [21968/20]

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As the Deputy will be aware, the Garda Commissioner is responsible for managing An Garda Síochána including operational matters such as station opening hours. As Minister I have no role in this matter.

I am informed by the Garda authorities that the recorded increase in crime in Rathcoole in 2018/2019 primarily related to a series of thefts which occurred in that time. I am further informed that the local Garda management have put in place a number of operations which have been effective and have resulted in a number of significant detections and prosecutions.

The station's current opening hours are 10am-1pm and 2pm-5pm, seven days a week. I am further informed by the Garda authorities that at present there are no plans in place to open Rathcoole Garda Station as a 24 hour Station.

Currently there are some 105 Garda Youth Diversion Projects (GYDPs) throughout the State. I am informed that Rathcoole is not currently within the catchment areas of the existing projects. However, the Government's policy is to further develop the GYDP service so that it is available to every young person in the State who could benefit from it. The ongoing development of practice in GYDPs is being supported by an Action Research Project led by the University of Limerick, working directly with front-line Youth Justice Workers from local projects. My Department is also supporting pilot projects to help develop better approaches in areas such as engagement with hard-to-reach or more challenging children as well as family support and early interventions.

Based on initial outcomes from the Action Research Project and evaluations of a number of pilot projects, proposals will be developed to expand the existing services, to ensure availability of GYDPs throughout the State and a stronger focus on difficult issues such as the hard-to-reach cohort. In order to extend the GYDP service to all young people who could benefit from it, work is ongoing to extend the catchment area of existing projects into areas that currently do not have any. Considerable progress has been made in that regard in recent years and further steps towards this goal will be made in 2021 and subsequent years as the available resources allow.
