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Departmental Priorities

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 9 September 2020

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Questions (218)

Bernard Durkan


218. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science his vision for the further and higher education, research, innovation and science sector with particular reference to the need to compete on the international market for available job vacancies; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22971/20]

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The challenge to meet the need to compete on the international market for available job vacancies is a priority for my Department.

Structures such as the National Skills Council, the Regional Skills Fora, the National Training Fund Advisory Group and the Apprenticeship Council help identify and respond to skills needs and ensure that we have a national and regional labour force equipped with the skills that will attract international jobs to Ireland.

The July Stimulus package is a programme of immediate investment in upskilling, reskilling and refreshing of skills needs to be supported throughout working lives. The funding for higher and further education and training to address this situation amounts to €100m and will fund over 35,000 additional student places in the current year.

The Further Education Strategy 2020-24 is a good example of where the engagement between relevant stakeholders, such as industry, has fed into the development of the SOLAS Further Education Strategy to cover the next 5 years. At the Higher Education level, a key tenet of Technological Universities, (TU’s) is their research-informed teaching and learning based on interactions with industry and relationships forged with local and regional enterprise stakeholders. TU’s also play a pivotal role in facilitating access and progression particularly through relationships with the further education sector. The presence of a technological university in a region, with a specific mandate for promoting regional development, will have a transformative effect on local and regional communities.

My Department will continue to design and develop education programmes and qualifications that reflect what is required in the workplace. We will continue working with all stakeholders to address current needs and looking beyond the current world of work prepare individuals to succeed in the existing and future labour market and avail of future job opportunities.
