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Covid-19 Pandemic Supports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 September 2020

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Questions (322)

Dara Calleary


322. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht the financial supports available to artists who may be preparing work or composing pieces for performance in 2021 or 2022; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [23989/20]

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The July stimulus measures are a significant part of government’s response and will help support Ireland's creative sectors over this crisis.

In accordance with this, I recently launched a number of new music and performance support schemes to aid employment in the creative industries given the unprecedented nature of the challenge facing the music and live performance sectors owing to Covid-19 restrictions.

Firstly, I announced an allocation of €5 million is being made available under the “Live Performance Support Scheme” which aims to assist commercial venues, producers and promoters of live performances and provide employment to workers in the creative industries. The scheme will help to de-risk the costs of preparing for new productions which may subsequently have to be postponed, cancelled or curtailed due to restrictions to safeguard public health. The main objective of the scheme is to provide employment opportunities in the ticketed performance sector and allow commercial organisers of live performances to commence preparations immediately and productions to go ahead in the near future while also complying with public health protection measures. This scheme has been developed following consultation with the sector and will be managed directly by the Department.

Application Form and Guidelines for “Live Performance Support Scheme” may be accessed here.

Secondly, a further support package, the Music Stimulus Package, involves three funding schemes designed to help sustain the popular and commercial music sector across all music genres, including rock, pop, hip hop, indie, jazz, country and western and traditional and folk. Under this package, a fund of €1 million is being put in place to stimulate areas of work which artists would usually fund with income from own sources including live event fees.

The music support schemes are targeted at professional musicians and their teams and will support song writing camps, recording and album releases. The aim is to ensure that Irish musicians, engineers, PR, media, agents, labels and publishers can continue to develop and share their work in the context of COVID restrictions. The Music Stimulus Package schemes will be managed on behalf of the Department by First Music Contact and will be subject to peer panel assessment.

Application Form and Guidelines for “Music Stimulus Package may be accessed here.

The key features of these Support Schemes include the following:

- Support the creation of employment opportunities in the culture, creative and music industries.

- Address the large gap left by the absence of income from live performances.

- Support performances/work that will commence on or before 31 December 2020.

- Support commercial venues, producers and promoters in the culture sector (e.g. music, entertainment and theatre).

- Support the music professionals and aim to ensure that Irish musicians, engineers, PR, media, agents, labels and publishers can continue to develop and share their work in the context of Covid-19 restrictions.

I recently announced the setting up of a taskforce under the Chair of Clare Duignan in accordance with the Programme for Government. This commits to establishing a cross departmental taskforce to develop a clear approach, informed by the views of all stakeholders, to protect and sustain the arts and culture sector through the Covid-19 recovery and beyond, which in turn will inform the National Economic Plan.

Other measures announced under the Stimulus include additional funding to the Arts Council to brings its total allocation this year to €105 – some 40% higher than in 2019. A key objective of this funding is to provide enhanced support for freelance artists and arts workers who have been impacted severely by COVID-19.

Wider Government measures aimed at the creative sector include liquidity and investment measures and taxation measures as well as labour market interventions.

The new Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme will benefit workers across the creative sector. Many of these organisations availed of the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme which allowed them to retain workers in employment since March.

The Government is today publishing the Roadmap for Resilience and Recovery. This maps how we balance public health, economic and social aspects of living with COVID-19 in the short to medium term and try to bring some greater certainty so that society and business can plan forward.
