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Community Employment Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 17 September 2020

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Questions (132)

Matt Shanahan


132. Deputy Matt Shanahan asked the Minister for Social Protection if her Department currently liaises with the Department of Community and Rural Development and the Islands in terms of the recruitment of community employment workers by rural community groups; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [24436/20]

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In order to qualify for Community Employment (CE), a number of conditions must be met, including being in receipt of a qualifying social welfare payment for a specific period.  The focus of CE is on those who are long-term unemployed and the programme is monitored on an on-going basis to ensure that the CE schemes are meeting the needs of both the communities, including rural communities,  and the CE participants. 

In keeping with the Government’s Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business, recruitment of new CE participants for all CE schemes, including rural CE schemes, recommenced in early July, 2020.   

Eligible candidates are identified within my Department by Case Officers and are referred to CE schemes where it is considered to be a suitable activation measure.  

CE sponsor organisations are encouraged to promote awareness of the benefits of CE in their local communities, ensuring that CE vacancies are well publicised.  They can advertise their vacancies free of charge on the Department's JobsIreland website

If the Deputy is referring to the recruitment of CE participants on a particular CE scheme he can forward the details and my Department officials will liaise directly with the relevant CE scheme to provide the necessary assistance.

Question No. 133 answered with Question No. 131.