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Forestry Sector

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 October 2020

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Questions (586)

Dara Calleary


586. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the options and supports available to small forestry owners who wish to replant with native Irish woodland species; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29595/20]

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In general, there are no reforestation grants available on clearfell, as the realisation of the timber asset is considered more than adequate to cover the cost of replanting. However, under certain conditions replanting grants are made available as part of the Native Woodland Conservation Scheme. Under this scheme the conversion of existing conifer forests to native woodland are eligible for grants of up to €5,000 per hectare. Private forest owners are also eligible for an annual premium payment of €350 per hectare for 7 years.

In order to receive this funding the conifer forest must be adjoining a sensitive watercourse, where native woodland establishment can contribute to the protection of water quality and aquatic habitats and species. Water sensitive areas include Freshwater Pearl Mussel catchments, fisheries sensitive areas, Acid Sensitive Areas, and high status waterbodies identified under the Water Framework Directive.

Where a marketable quantity of timber is realised from the felling operation, the quantity (in cubic metres) of timber must be documented and details submitted to my Department, together with evidence of timber-related income (including invoices and receipts). My Department may reduce the grant payable accordingly, reflecting the value of the timber realised and (where relevant) the normal costs associated with standard replanting.

Applications under the Native Woodland Conservation Scheme must be made before clearfelling takes place and applicants must ensure that a valid felling licence is in place for any felling carried out under the scheme.
