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Schools Building Projects

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 14 October 2020

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Questions (23)

Pat Buckley


23. Deputy Pat Buckley asked the Minister for Education the timeline and deadline for the completion of a school in Carrigtohill, County Cork; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [25939/20]

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The building project referred to by the Deputy is being delivered under my Department’s Design and Build Programme which tenders to pre-established frameworks of D&B contractors.

My Department is currently in the process of establishing a Framework of Design and Build Contractors to which Design and Build projects can be tendered. Once this framework is established, it is intended that this project will be tendered as soon as possible thereafter.

In the interim, my Department and it's Project Management team are liaising with a third party developer to establish a joint programme for the construction of the required road network to service the site. This is a condition of the planning permission and both my Department and the third party developer will be liaising with Cork County Council over the coming months with regard to satisfying those planning conditions. It is envisaged that the construction of the required roads and the construction of the schools will be progressed in tandem.

The school authorities will be kept informed as the project progresses.
