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Tidy Towns Committees

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 5 November 2020

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Questions (21)

Seán Sherlock


21. Deputy Sean Sherlock asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development her plans to hold a tidy towns competition in 2021. [34152/20]

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I can assure the Deputy that it is my intention that the SuperValu TidyTowns Competition will take place in 2021. The competition has a unique place in Ireland’s culture and heritage. Since its inception in 1958 when it had 52 entrants, the competition has grown year-on-year to see a record number of 924 entrants in 2019.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the 2020 SuperValu TidyTowns competition had to be cancelled on public health grounds. At that time, it would not have been possible for Committees around the country to deliver their projects in the usual way.

However, as we have moved through different stages of living alongside the pandemic, the TidyTowns volunteers have demonstrated that they can continue to do some of their activities while still following all of the necessary public health precautions. My Department has been supporting TidyTowns Groups in that work and has been keeping connected with groups through different communication channels, including a monthly newsletter highlighting their work.

It is important that we recognise and reward the great work that is happening around the country and the pride of place during these difficult times and that is why I am committed to holding a TidyTowns competition in 2021.

We may need to alter and adapt our approach to delivering the competition next year given the on-going constraints posed by COVID, but we can still retain the ethos of the competition that has stood the test of time so well.

My Department is currently considering the format of the competition for next year, having regard to restrictions on gatherings at each of the five levels of the Government’s Plan for Living with COVID-19, and the paramount need to protect the health and wellbeing of volunteers and adjudicators. The details of any changes in the competition will be shared with the TidyTowns groups well in advance.
