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Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 5 November 2020

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Questions (30)

Barry Cowen


30. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the funding provided for the town and village renewal scheme since July 2020; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [34085/20]

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This year's Town and Village Renewal Scheme was adapted to assist towns and villages to respond to the impact of COVID-19. In addition to the standard strand of the scheme, the scheme also included an Accelerated Measure to fund smaller scale projects that could be delivered immediately to assist towns and villages in adapting to COVID-19.

The 2020 Scheme has a budget of €25 million this year, following the allocation of an additional €10 million to the scheme as part of the Government’s July Stimulus Package.

Since July, I have approved funding of €10.4 million to 363 projects under three funding rounds of the Accelerated Measure.

The Standard Measure of the Town & Village Renewal Scheme, which has a budget of €15 million, will focus on supporting towns and villages to recover from the impact of COVID-19 in the medium-term. Applications under this Measure are currently being assessed and the successful projects will be announced when that process is complete.

The following table summarises the funding provided under each of the three rounds of the Accelerated Measure:

Accelerated Measure Round

Number of Projects supported

Amount of funding approved

Accelerated Measure - Round 1



Accelerated Measure - Round 2



Accelerated Measure - Round 3



Accelerated Measure - Round 3 – Large Towns with population above 10,000 people





