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Defence Forces Operations

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 1 December 2020

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Questions (341)

Peadar Tóibín


341. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Defence the breakdown of annual operations by the Defence Forces; the percentage that are day patrols and so on; and the level of personnel and resources needed for each operation. [40189/20]

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The Defence Organisation provides a broad range of services in accordance with its primary security role while it also undertakes a diverse range of non security related tasks. The Defence Forces continue to carry out the roles assigned by Government, including security operations, critical supports to An Garda Síochána (Aid to Civil Power - ATCP), as well as Aid to Civil Authority (ATCA) supports to other Government Departments and Agencies.

The number of operations in 2020 up to 31st October is as follows;

Operation Type








*MDSO: Maritime Defence and Security Operations

** 991 = 869 Naval Service Patrol days + 122 MDSO Flights

Defence Forces statistics are not broken down by day/night operations.

In addition to the above on-island taskings, there are currently (as of 26 Nov 2020), 609 personnel deployed overseas on peace support operations in 14 different mission areas.

For security and operational reasons details regarding the level of personnel and resources required for each operation are not available.
