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Local Authority Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 27 January 2021

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Questions (638)

Catherine Murphy


638. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Justice the specific funding streams available to local authorities to apply for; the amount that has been given by county; the amount awarded under each scheme in each of the years 2018 to 2020 and to date in 2021, in tabular form; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [4060/21]

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There are no specific funding streams for Local Authorities provided by my Department. However, payments have been made to a number of Local Authorities under a number of programmes managed by my Department as follows:


Irish Refugee Protection Programme - Housing and Urban Regeneration


Leitrim County Council


Longford County Council


Mayo County Council


Mayo County Council


Offaly County Council


Roscommon County Council


Traveller Support Initiative


Carlow County Council


Cork County Council


Cork County Council


Offaly County Council


South Dublin County Council


Migrant Integration - Housing and Urban Regeneration


Fingal County Council


Waterford City & County Council


Wexford County Council


Crime Prevention


Dublin City Council





Asylum Migration & Integration Fund - Housing and Urban Regeneration


Monaghan County Council


Accommodation for Asylum Seekers – Housing and Urban Regeneration


Donegal County Council


Irish Refugee Protection Programme – Housing and Urban Regeneration


Cavan County Council


Clare County Council


Cork County Council


Cork County Council


Cork County Council


Donegal County Council


Kerry County Council


Laois County Council


Mayo County Council


Mayo County Council


Monaghan County Council


Traveller Support Initiative – Recreation and other local services


Carlow County Council


Carlow County Council


Carlow County Council


South Dublin County Council


Migrant Initiative – Housing and Urban Regeneration


Mayo County Council


Waterford City & County Council





#P&W Projects – Housing and urban regeneration


Dublin City Council




While payments under programmes for Traveller Support Initiatives, Migrant Integration and Traveller Support Initiatives were made in 2020, my Department's responsibility for those functions transferred to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth on 14 October last, and will be reflected in the accounts for that Department for the entirety of the financial year.

There is currently no expenditure to date this year.
