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Meat Processing Plants

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 February 2021

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Questions (933)

Holly Cairns


933. Deputy Holly Cairns asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the status of the measures in place to monitor the health and working conditions in meat plants to prevent further clusters of Covid-19. [5240/21]

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In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, primary responsibility for public health policy and implementation rests with the Department of Health and the HSE. Statutory responsibility for health and safety in the workplace rests with the Health and Safety Authority (under the auspices of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment). Responsibility for the Health and Safety of employees lies with the management of each establishment.

My Department’s statutory responsibility is to ensure that Food Business Operators (FBOs) within these premises operate in compliance with the EU’s food hygiene legislation, animal and plant health and animal welfare standards. 

A national Outbreak Control team has been established by the HSE to deal with all issues relating to COVID-19 in meat plants and my Department is represented on this committee. Any clusters of cases in workplaces are dealt with by local HSE-led outbreak control teams.  

My Department continues to supply Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to its own staff and contractors in Food Business premises.  PPE for Food Business personnel are supplied by the business itself.  Food Business Operators have put in place a range of protective practices and equipment to protect employee safety and these include measures such as the reduction of throughput rates at the plant, temperature checks on entry into the plant, the extension of operating hours and other safeguards such as “podding”, the provision of additional PPE, the use of Perspex screens and the provision of additional facilities to support physical distancing measures.  

My Department contributes to the HSE-chaired National Outbreak Control Team as part of the whole-of-Government response to the pandemic - this Committee oversees a programme of serial testing of workers at larger food plants and other businesses. 

The first cycle of serial testing (i.e. four weeks of weekly testing) at food production facilities started on 14th September 2020. A further three cycles were subsequently completed and a fifth cycle is currently in progress. As of week ending 22nd January 2021,  some 97,494 swabs have been taken with a total of 804 detected cases.  The Department continues to provide any assistance requested by the HSE to facilitate this testing programme.

As of 21st January, officials from my Department had completed 645 inspections on behalf of the HSA, including unannounced inspections in DAFM-approved food premises, and these inspections are ongoing. 

Additional support is provided by my Department to the HSE and the Health and Safety Authority in monitoring the effective implementation of all relevant guidance in DAFM-approved food plants. In ongoing engagement with the meat industry since the start of the pandemic, my officials have emphasised that the health and safety of workers must be the absolute priority. Meat Industry Ireland and SIPTU have agreed a Code of Practice for the safe management of staff in the primary meat processing sector during the pandemic.
