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Employment Support Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 18 February 2021

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Questions (196)

Mary Lou McDonald


196. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Social Protection if there is a policy review under way in respect of the short-time working week; the purpose of the review; if a circular has been provided to local Intreo centres; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [9030/21]

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My Department keeps all aspects of jobseekers policy including Short-Time Work Support under continual review. Individual Short-Time Work Support claims are reviewed regularly to ensure that the temporary systematic working arrangements introduced by an employer continue to apply in each case.

Short-Time Work Support is available to assist employees in cases where their working days are reduced by their employer on a temporary basis. This provision is availableunder Jobseeker’s Benefit and is non-taxable. To qualify for Short -Time Work Support a person must meet all of the qualifying conditions for Jobseeker's Benefit including the PRSI contribution conditions.

Short-Time work means the number of days systematically worked in a working week is less than the number of days which is normal in a working week in the employment concerned. There must be a clear repetitive pattern of work each week. The days worked each week do not have to be the exact same days, but the work pattern must remain consistent. If systematic pattern of working arrangements no longer apply to a person, such cases are re-classified as a part-time or casual worker.

I trust this clarifies the matter for the Deputy.
