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Covid-19 Pandemic Supports

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 March 2021

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Questions (1101)

Neale Richmond


1101. Deputy Neale Richmond asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development if a charity (details supplied) has availed of funding under the Covid-19 stability fund; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [12001/21]

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The Government is aware of the challenges facing community and voluntary organisations and is committed to working closely with the sector in managing through these, recognising that it will require a whole of Government approach.

In 2020, my Department provided support through the €45m COVID 19 Stability Fund for organisations in the Community and Voluntary Sector, Charities and Social Enterprises. The Fund was intended to be a targeted once-off cash injection for organisations and groups delivering critical front-line services to the most at need in our society and in danger of imminent closure due to lost fund-raised or traded income as a direct result of restrictions to counter the spread of COVID-19.

This Fund was made available in conjunction with many other Government supports. The Fund is providing up to €45million of funding through the Dormant Accounts Fund (DAF) and the criteria is aligned with DAF objectives to support:

1.The personal and social development of persons who are economically or socially disadvantaged; or

2.The educational development of persons who are educationally disadvantaged; or

3.Persons with a disability.

My Department received 1,060 applications during the application periods. Funding of over €43m, including an additional €10M in funding announced during Budget 2021, has been approved to over 600 organisations to date and the payment processes for this funding remain ongoing.

An additional €10M has been allocated to the Stability Fund as part of the Covid-19 Resilience and Recovery 2021 plan announced by the Taoiseach on Tuesday 23rd February. Further details on how relevant organisations can apply for this funding will be available shortly.

I can confirm that the organisation in question submitted an application to the Stability Fund in 2020 and was awarded €272,970.
