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Covid-19 Pandemic

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 March 2021

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Questions (490)

Maurice Quinlivan


490. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Education the instruction being offered to schools and teachers with regard to the social development of pupils scheduled to return to the school setting over the coming weeks; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [11916/21]

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Promoting well-being is a fundamental element of the Department’s overall plan to support school communities as we continue to manage the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) of my Department is leading on supporting the well-being of schools communities at this time. The response to support the well-being of all within school communities requires a structured, psychosocial response which is compassionate and largely preventative and proactive. A whole-school team approach to planning is recommended in order to ensure that staff, students and parents feel safe and secure. Supporting the well-being of school communities at this time of transition is helped by fostering resilience using five key principles.

- Promoting a sense of safety – so that people feel that they are safe, and that those around them are safe

- Promoting a sense of calm – so that people feel relaxed, composed and grounded (regulated)

- Promoting a sense of belonging and connectedness – so that people experience having meaningful relationships with others who understand and support them

- Promoting a sense of self-efficacy and community-efficacy – so that people believe that they can manage and do what is needed, and so can their school community

- Promoting a sense of hope – so that people believe that things will work out well

NEPS has created a range of resources and support including Well-being Webinars for primary, special, and post-primary schools, Well-being Toolkits for Schools with a range of easily downloadable, user-friendly materials and advice and resources for parents, student and school staff to support their well-being at this time.

Resources are also available for parents and students including the following:


- A Guide for Parents on supporting children and young people with daily routines while schools are closed

- How to Calm and Support your Child – A Guide for Parents and Guardians

- Managing Stress and Anxiety - A Guide for Parents and Guardians


- Advice for young people while schools are closed

- A Plan for the Day – A template to support daily routines

- Managing Stress and Anxiety – a guide for students

- Panic attacks – a guide for students

These resources can be accessed on the website.
