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Dental Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 3 March 2021

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Questions (957)

Catherine Connolly


957. Deputy Catherine Connolly asked the Minister for Health if persons requiring urgent periodontal surgery which they are unable to access in a timely manner in Ireland due to lengthy waiting lists are permitted to travel abroad for more affordable timely surgery under level 5 restrictions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [11929/21]

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SI No 29/2021 provides for additional temporary restrictions on travel. The Regulations remain in operation until 5 March 2021. The Regulations set out a non-exhaustive list of reasonable excuses for travel to an airport or port for purpose of leaving the State. These include:

- To work, comply with a contract of employment or contract for services, or otherwise engage in work or employment

- To provide services to, or perform the functions of, an office holder appointed under any enactment or under the Constitution, or a member of either House of the Oireachtas, the European Parliament or a local authority

- To provide services essential to the functioning of diplomatic missions and consular posts in the State

- To attend, for educational reasons a primary or secondary school, or a university, higher education institution or other education and training facility, to the extent that it is necessary for such educational reasons to attend in person

- To accompany any other person residing with the person, or a vulnerable person, to one of the education facilities mentioned above

- To attend a medical or dental appointment, or accompany, to such an appointment, any other person residing with the person, or a vulnerable person

- To seek essential medical, health or dental assistance for the person, for any other person residing with the person, or for a vulnerable person

- To attend to vital family matters (including providing care to vulnerable persons)

- To attend a funeral

- To fulfil a legal obligation (including attending court, satisfying bail conditions, or participating in ongoing legal proceedings), attend a court office where required, initiate emergency legal proceedings or execute essential legal documents

- if the person is a parent or guardian of a child, or a person having a right of access to a child, to give effect to arrangements for access to the child by the person, or another person who is (I) a parent or guardian of the child, or

(II) a person having a right of access to the child,

where the person is not ordinarily resident in the State, to leave the State.
