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Fines Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 24 March 2021

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Questions (1268)

Seán Sherlock


1268. Deputy Sean Sherlock asked the Minister for Justice the number of fines that have been issued for construction work during level 5 restrictions to date in 2021, by county in tabular form. [15418/21]

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As the Deputy will be aware, responsibility for policing the current public health regulations rests with the Garda Commissioner. Further, responsibility for the legislation underpinning the public health response lies with my colleague, the Minister for Health.

An Garda Síochána continue to use the 'Four E's' approach in line with their strong tradition of community policing and policing by consent. This sees Garda members Engage with, Encourage and Educate members of the public on public health advice and regulations, with Enforcement used only as a last resort.

Both the Policing Authority and the Gardaí provide regular reports and updates of An Garda Síochána's efforts during this difficult time and I am pleased to note that both the Authority and the Commissioner have noted high levels of compliance by the public and positive interaction between Gardaí and communities.

I am informed by the Garda authorities that there is no specific fine relating to construction work.  Weekly updates are provided every Friday on the total number of Covid related fines and the numbers in each Garda division, see link below for the latest release:

I am further informed that An Garda Síochána are unable to report on the particular circumstances in which fines were issued; there have been in excess of 15,000 fines to date and to try and examine every one in detail would require a disproportionate amount of time and resources.

Where members of the public are concerned about activities in relation to construction work, I would encourage them to contact their local Garda station.
