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Irish Sign Language

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 31 March 2021

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Questions (304)

Holly Cairns


304. Deputy Holly Cairns asked the Minister for Transport the way in which his Department and agencies under his remit are meeting obligations under the Irish Sign Language Act 2017; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [17437/21]

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As the Deputy is no doubt aware, the Irish Sign Language (ISL) Act 2017 commenced on 23rd December 2020.

My Department and the public bodies under its aegis with statutory obligations under the Act are committed to complying with Section 6 (Duty of public bodies) and Section 7 (Engagement of verified competent Irish Sign Language interpreters) of the Act.

A survey to facilitate reporting on the operation of the ISL Act is being completed at present by my Department and the public bodies under its aegis with statutory obligations.
