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Human Rights

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 21 April 2021

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Questions (1014)

Paul Murphy


1014. Deputy Paul Murphy asked the Minister for Education further to Parliamentary Question No.170 of 21 January 2021, if she will provide a copy of the notices for this ex-gratia scheme published in the press and other mass media; the number of applications to this scheme to date; the number of applicants who were previously the subject of litigation; the number of cases still open; the cost of this ex-gratia scheme to the State to date, including that for a person (details supplied); the way in which survivors that were previously unaware of this ex-gratia scheme may now make enquiries regarding same or make applications to it; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [19217/21]

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The ex gratia scheme to which the Deputy refers was announced by this Press Release

Since the scheme was established in July 2015, a total of 50 applications were received.

Payments are being made to a number of victims of child sexual abuse in day schools on foot of the assessments made by the Independent Assessor to the ex gratia scheme, Mr. Justice Iarfhlaith O'Neill.

The current position is that sixteen offers of payment of €84,000 have been made and all sixteen have been accepted.

In response to the assessor's determinations my Department, in conjunction with the Office of the Attorney General, is examining the ex gratia scheme. The issues involved are highly sensitive and complex and require careful deliberation before proposals can be finalised and brought to Government.

It is important to have a more complete awareness of the extent of the problem, the number of people who could potentially be involved, the legal implications of any course of action, and an accurate estimate of likely costs before a new or modified scheme is considered.

Officials from my Department ere closely engaged with officials from the Attorney General’s office to work through these complex matters. Proposals will be brought to Government when this process has concluded.

Further enquiries in relation to the matter can be made to the Residential Institutions Redress Unit of my Department.
