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Covid-19 Pandemic

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 21 April 2021

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Questions (1541)

Seán Canney


1541. Deputy Seán Canney asked the Minister for Health the provisions that are included in the quarantine system for a family returning from the UAE who have a child with special needs; the way in which this child will be facilitated; if the family will be required to quarantine in a hotel facility; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [18187/21]

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The Health Act 1947, as amended, provides that all persons arriving in Ireland from a designated state, or having travelled through a designated state in the previous 14 days, are required to undergo mandatory quarantine in a designated facility unless they are an exempted traveller under the Act.

The safety, wellbeing and comfort of all guests quarantining in a designated facility is a priority of the mandatory quarantine system, along with the ultimate goal of protecting public health by limiting the potential spread of COVID-19 variants of concern.

All guests undergoing mandatory quarantine in a designated facility are being provided with access to a 24/7 on-site healthcare team who hold clinical responsibility for their wellbeing during their stay. The on-site healthcare team are available to address any wellbeing concerns of guests through both scheduled daily check-in calls during a guest's stay as well as through direct engagement if requested. Guests requiring any specific, urgent or emergency care which cannot be provided on-site at a hotel may also be referred to a dedicated medical facility by the on-site healthcare team.

Guests who wish to access other services, such as consular services, may arrange to do so through normal channels. The hotel service provider will endeavour to facilitate any requests for assistance in accessing such channels, such as by arranging for translation services if requested.

The State Liaison Officer (SLO) will have staff onsite 24/7 at each designated facility to liaise between guests and the service provider if required.

All reasonable efforts will be made by both service provider staff and the on-site health team to facilitate a comfortable stay in a designated facility.

The provisions of the Act allows for travellers to request a review of decisions relating to their quarantine (independent appeals process); however this can only be undertaken once quarantine has begun and on a limited number of grounds. Public health will remain a paramount consideration. The State Liaison Officer (Irish Defence Forces) in the hotel provides passengers with information on how to apply.
