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Greenways Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 21 April 2021

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Questions (385)

Robert Troy


385. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Transport if he will outline any laws which forbid the use of national greenway infrastructure for equine or horse related activities; and his plans to review such legislation. [19616/21]

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As the funding agency and not the owner of Greenways, my Department has no legal remit regarding the use of national greenway infrastructure for equine activities. Our Strategy for the Future Development of National and Regional Greenways was silent on the matter.

Local Authorities, who are responsible for Greenways under a licence agreement, lease, or ownership, can introduce bye-laws governing the use of greenways including equine activities.

There are a number of issues that would need to be considered with regard to permitting horses on Greenways; these would include the impact on the surface, horse waste removal, the additional width required to accommodate horses to the side of the Greenway and perhaps most importantly, child safety as Greenways attract large numbers of family groups with often very small children who would not be expected to understand how to behave around horses and could put themselves in danger.

Greenways along canal tow paths come under the remit of Waterways Ireland which is a body under the remit of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Any questions regarding legislation that would govern equine use of such Greenways is a matter for that Department.

I understand that Sport Ireland is currently undergoing a review of the Horse Trails Criteria for Ireland. The updated criteria, which will include guidance on the classification and grading of horse trails, will assist in supporting quality infrastructure to enable accessible, safe, and enjoyable horse trail opportunities throughout Ireland.

I have no plans to review the current situation.
