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Appointments to State Boards

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 21 April 2021

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Questions (537)

John McGuinness


537. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Finance the efforts his Department is making to achieve gender balance on all State boards and agencies under the remit of his Department; if he will set out the changes achieved to date on each; if 50% of the membership of all boards, policy groups or agencies that provide advice to Government on matters of policy will be reserved for appropriately qualified individuals from the private sector in order to achieve a balance between the public and private sectors; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [20725/21]

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The State Boards under the remit of my Department are the Central Bank Commission, the Credit Union Restructuring Board, the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman, Home Building Finance Ireland, the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council, the National Asset Management Agency, the National Treasury Management Agency and the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland.

It should be noted that having concluded its restructuring work in 2017, the Credit Union Restructuring Board (ReBo) was operationally wound down in 2017 and is awaiting formal dissolution. While awaiting the final dissolution, the Minister for Finance appointed two Department officials to the Board of ReBo from 1 August 2017 on an interim basis to manage matters during the period up to dissolution of ReBo. The Central Bank non-voting member also remains on the Board. This caretaker Board will remain in place until such time that ReBo is dissolved.

The State Boards under my remit continue to make progress in enhancing gender equality. As Board roles come up for renewal and or replacement, gender balance is a key consideration when assessing the suitability of prospective Board members. The current overall gender balance of these State Boards is 56% male and 44% female; details of the membership of each Board are as follows:

State Board

Board members by gender

Central Bank Commission

40% Female; 60% Male

Credit Union Restructuring Board

67% Female; 33% Male

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Council

43% Female; 57% Male

Home Building Finance Ireland

57% Female; 43% Male

Irish Fiscal Advisory Council

40% Female; 60% Male

National Asset Management Agency

44% Female; 56% Male

National Treasury Management Agency

44% Female; 56% Male

Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland

33% Female; 67% Male

Other than the appointment of board members on an ex-officio basis, positions on the State Boards under the aegis of my Department are advertised on the State Boards website. Appointments are made in accordance with the 2014 guidelines for appointments to State Boards. Compliance with the Government Decision of July 2014 on Gender Balance on State Boards is an essential requirement of these guidelines.

With a view to accelerating progress in achieving the 40% target in respect of all State Boards, the Government established an inter-Departmental group in 2019 to identify and report on best practice in relation to Gender Balance, Diversity and Inclusion on State Boards. My Department was represented on this group. The recommendations of the inter-Departmental Group were approved by the Government and in September 2020, a new annex to the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies on Gender Balance, Diversity and Inclusion was published by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform which addresses these recommendations. Appointments to all of the State Boards under my Department’s remit will continue in cognisance of the long-standing target to achieve 40% representation of women and men on State Boards, as well as the September 2020 updated requirements in relation to Diversity and Inclusion.

While particular requirements apply in relation to the desirable composition of each individual State Board in terms of knowledge, skills and experience of its members, all suitable and competent individuals can apply for a position on a State Board under the aegis of my Department.
