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Search and Rescue Service Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 21 April 2021

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Questions (564)

Catherine Murphy


564. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he and or the Office of Government Procurement were consulted in respect of the search and rescue contract process embarked upon by the Department of Transport; the advice and or assistance it provided to the Department on this project; and if he sanctioned funds to be used as capital for the company awarded the contract. [20023/21]

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The Minister for Transport has primary responsibility for the procurement of services such as search and rescue. The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) puts in place Framework Agreements for commonly procured goods and services, assists Public Sector Bodies (PSB) running mini-competitions under these Frameworks and also assists PSBs with some bespoke procurement projects. Having regard to the search and rescue contract process, the OGP did not provide any advice or assistance to the Department of Transport.

In July 2020, the Government noted that the procurement process for the Irish Coast Guard's next SAR Aviation contract had commenced and the intention to bring a detailed business case for pre-tender approval to Government. The Department of Transport is currently working on the detailed business case to go to Government.

Question No. 565 answered with Question No. 553.