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Wednesday, 21 Apr 2021

Written Answers Nos. 618-632

Tourism Industry

Questions (618)

Cian O'Callaghan


618. Deputy Cian O'Callaghan asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media if she will address an issue raised in correspondence (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18614/21]

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The Tourism Business Continuity Scheme is administered by Fáilte Ireland. I have accordingly referred the Deputy's question to them for direct reply to the Deputy in respect of the specific questions raised around the Scheme's eligibility criteria and for information on any other supports that may be available to this business. Please contact my private office if you have not received a reply within ten working days.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 51

Irish Language

Questions (619)

Cian O'Callaghan


619. Deputy Cian O'Callaghan asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media if she will consider implementing a policy on bilingual packaging in English and Irish by the end of 2024 on all products; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18624/21]

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The Government's 20-Year Strategy for the Irish Language 2010-2030 contains a commitment to examine the feasibility of introducing a voluntary code for bilingual labelling and packaging of all goods sold in Ireland, as a mechanism to develop the range of areas available in which people can choose Irish as a language of exchange.

In addition, paragraph of the Governments 2018-2022 Irish Language Action Plan states that Foras na Gaeilge, through its ‘Gnó Means Business’ programme, will deliver a wide range of initiatives to support the use of the Irish language in business and economic life, including:

- a funding support scheme focused on Small and Medium Enterprises: This is a grant scheme with matching funding of up to €3,000 to support the professional development of signage, stationery, printed marketing material, internet sites and other branding material in the Irish language or bilingually;

- a Business Support Resource Pack: There are 31 specialist business support resources available free of charge from the self-order system. As part of the support package, there is a choice of self-adhesive signs, badges, leaflets and other support resources to enhance the visibility of Irish in a business environment;

- a Guide to Best Practice: As part of a series of publications, two booklets have been published to give practical guidance to the business sector on the use of bilingualism: ‘Bilingual Signage' and 'Bilingual Packaging'. The next guidebook will focus on the use of bilingualism electronically and on websites; and,

- a Q-Mharc Gnó le Gaeilge is a voluntary code and newly-developed quality system for the Business Sector which focuses on giving official recognition to best bilingual practice based on the International Standard ISO 9001:2008. Small and medium sized enterprises throughout the island of Ireland can apply for this award.

Officials in my department will continue to engage with Foras na Gaeilge, ensuring implementation of actions under Paragraph

In addition, my Department provides funding to organisations such as Gael-Taca in Cork; Gnó Mhaigh Eo in Mayo; Gaillimh le Gaeilge in Galway, and more recently, Cill Dara le Gaeilge in Kildare, to support and encourage businesses in the use of Irish.

I have also recently been contacted by the organiser of a campaign to promote the use of bilingual packaging and my officials are engaging with him with a view to considering his proposals.

Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta

Questions (620)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


620. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh den Aire Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán cén dáta faoina mbeidh na treoirlínte d'earnáil na gcoláistí samhraidh atá idir lámha ag a Roinn curtha ar fáil do choláistí samhraidh; cén dáta faoina mbeidh cinneadh déanta go mbeidh nó nach mbeidh na coláistí samhraidh in ann fáiltiú roimh dhaltaí i rith an tsamhraidh; agus an bhfuil airgead curtha i leataobh don chás ina mbeadh ciste cobhsaíochta ag teastáil arís. [18672/21]

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I gcomhthéacs an chúraim atá ar an Roinn tacú le hearnáil na gColáistí Samhraidh agus ar mhaithe le soiléiriú a dhéanamh oiread is féidir ar na bunriachtanais a chaithfí a chomhlíonadh i gcás go mbeadh cúrsaí Gaeilge in ann dul ar aghaidh an samhradh seo, scaipeadh dréacht-treoirlínte maidir le COVID-19 ar earnáil na gcoláistí Gaeilge ag tús na seachtaine seo.

Is ar lucht stiúrtha na gColáistí Gaeilge agus ar theaghlaigh cháilithe Ghaeltachta a chuireann lóistín ar fáil dóibh atá na treoirlínte dírithe.

Ós rud é go dtagann na treoirlínte seo faoi réir pé rialacháin agus comhairle sláinte phoiblí atá i bhfeidhm ag aon am faoi leith, aithnítear go bhféadfadh athruithe teacht orthu le linn an ama. Is dréacht-cháipéis bheo í dá réir.

Tar éis an deis a bheith ag gach éinne na dréacht-treoirlínte seo a mheas agus an deis a bheith ag lucht stiúrtha na gcoláistí dul i gcomhairle lena gcuid tithe faoin ábhar, beidh mé féin agus feidhmeannaigh na Roinne ag bualadh go gairid le hionadaíocht ó na teaghlaigh Ghaeltachta a chuireann lóistín ar fáil do na coláistí.

Beidh plé ann chomh maith le scáthghrúpa na gColáistí Samhraidh CONCOS. Ina theannta sin tá deis ann do pháirtithe leasmhara a gcuid tuairimí faoi na treoirlínte réamhluaite a roinnt i scríbhinn leis an Roinn idir seo agus 27 Aibreán.

Is é an cuspóir atá leis an mbeart seo trí chéile ná a chur ar shúile gach éinne a bhfuil baint acu leis an earnáil cad iad na himpleachtaí a bheadh ann dóibh ó thaobh COVID-19 i gcás go bhféadfaí dul ar aghaidh le cúrsaí ar an gcéad dul síos agus deis éisteachta agus plé a bheith ag an Roinn le páirtithe leasmhara faoin ábhar.

Ós rud é go bhfuil tosca COVID-19 ag athrú i rith an ama tá an scéal ar fad faoi an mbeifear in ann dul ar aghaidh le cúrsaí samhraidh á choinneáil faoi bhreithniú ag an Roinn i rith an ama i dtreo a bheith in ann cinntí a dhéanamh faoin ábhar i gcomhar le páirtithe leasmhara, oiread is féidir, nuair atá sé níos soiléire cad a cheaptar faoi na treoirlínte réamhluaite.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Questions (621)

David Cullinane


621. Deputy David Cullinane asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media if clarification will be given in relation to underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 and when this will apply to persons over 18 years of age; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18699/21]

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Sport Ireland, which is the statutory body with responsibility for the development of sport, has been engaging with the National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) in relation to the changes to the public health restrictions and is providing guidance and clarification to NGBs where required.

Accordingly, if a specific clarification is required for a given sport, this should in the first instance be raised with the NGB concerned. If the NGB is unable to address the matter satisfactorily, they can consult further with Sport Ireland.

The position around the further reopening of sport, including the matter raised by the Deputy, will be considered further by the Government at the end of this month.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Questions (622, 650)

Neale Richmond


622. Deputy Neale Richmond asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media when outdoor dance classes will be allowed to resume for adults; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18762/21]

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Emer Higgins


650. Deputy Emer Higgins asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media if outdoor drama practice for children can recommence in line with the proposed reopening of outdoor training for under 18s; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [19828/21]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 622 and 650 together.

COVID-19 Resilience and Recovery 2021 - The Path Ahead, sets out information on the staggered start of easing of other areas of restriction with a focus on outdoor activities including sport. For guidance purposes dance has been included under sports under the different levels of the Plan. This easing is of course dependent on whether the transmission of the virus reaches acceptable levels, the vaccination programme progresses as planned and public health advice allows. Further details of the plan can be accessed at this link:

This Framework sets out the approach to each phase, which is subject to ongoing review and taking into account the evolving epidemiological situation. All decisions taken by Government on the timing of any lifting of restrictions are informed by the public health advice at the time. The Framework sets out when it is considered that organised indoor or outdoor events can take place and at present, no organised indoor or outdoor gatherings should take place.

Subject to the prevailing disease situation, from 26 April, underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 or fewer, which includes dance, can resume with protocols. In these cases robust protocols and protective measures, including appropriate supervision and capacity limits, should be in place.

Sports Capital Programme

Questions (623)

Catherine Murphy


623. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media if evaluation has commenced on sports capital grant applications for the next round of funding; the average time it will take to evaluate each application; and if she will set out the evaluation method. [18775/21]

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The Sports Capital and Equipment Programme (SCEP) is the primary vehicle for Government support for the development of sports and physical recreation facilities and the purchase of non-personal sports equipment throughout the country.

The 2020 round of the SCEP closed for applications on Monday 1st March. By the closing date, 3,106 applications were submitted seeking over €200m in funding. This is the highest number of applications ever received.

The scoring system and assessment procedures are being finalised at present and will be published prior to the detailed assessment of individual applications commencing. Given the large number of applications received and the detailed information included in each application, this assessment process is likely to take a number of months. It is intended to assess applications for sports "equipment only" first with allocations announced during the summer. The assessment of the applications for capital works will then commence with allocations planned to be announced before the end of the year. As soon as the allocations are announced, all organisations will be informed of the outcome of the assessment of their application.

Sports Funding

Questions (624)

Richard Boyd Barrett


624. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media the criteria in respect to the allocation of funding to Sport Ireland in 2020 used to allocate monies to the different sporting organisations; the breakdown of the funding being awarded across major sporting bodies here by Sport Ireland in tabular form; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18817/21]

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Sport Ireland, which is funded by my Department, is the statutory body with responsibility for the development of sport, increasing participation at all levels and raising standards. This includes the allocation of funding to sporting organisations across a variety of funding schemes.

I have referred the Deputy's question to Sport Ireland for direct reply in relation to funding allocated to sporting organisations in 2020. I would ask the Deputy to inform my office if a reply is not received within 10 working days.

Sports Capital Programme

Questions (625)

Catherine Murphy


625. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media if she will consider matters (details supplied) in respect of the sports capital programme. [18843/21]

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The Sports Capital and Equipment Programme (SCEP) is the primary vehicle for Government support for the development of sports and physical recreation facilities and the purchase of non-personal sports equipment throughout the country.

The 2020 round of the SCEP closed for applications on Monday 1st March. By the closing date, 3,106 applications were submitted seeking over €200m in funding. This is the highest number of applications ever received.

The scoring system and assessment procedures are nearing finalisation and all applications, including the application referred to by the Deputy, will be assessed in accordance with these. Given the large number of applications received this assessment process is likely to take a number of months. As soon as this process is complete all applicants will be informed of the outcome of the assessment of their application.

Covid-19 Pandemic Supports

Questions (626)

Catherine Murphy


626. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media the supports available to member owned sports clubs nationally (details supplied) in view of the extended forced closure on public health advice. [18844/21]

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A Covid-19 funding package of €85 million was provided last year to support the sport sector. This significant investment benefited all levels of the sport sector, including thousands of grassroots clubs across the country, and provided some certainty for sporting organisations in their planning for 2021.

I fully recognise that the financial and operational challenges associated with Covid-19 will continue well into 2021 and that many sporting organisations and clubs will find themselves in financial difficulty again this year. Additional funding of €26 million was allocated for Sport Ireland in Budget 2021 which will ensure that we can continue to support our valued sport sector. This includes funding to provide for supports to the sector to meet the ongoing challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sport Ireland is in ongoing communication with the National Governing Bodies of Sport and is assessing the financial needs of the sector. In addition, I am engaging with the National Governing Bodies both bilaterally and through the Covid-19 Sports Monitoring Group, which met most recently on 9 April, with regard to the supports required in the period ahead.

Sports Capital Programme

Questions (627)

Catherine Murphy


627. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media if she will clarify the position in respect of clubs that have been previously awarded grants; if their chances of receiving a grant in future applications is diminished in view of previous awards (details supplied); if she will provide a guidance note in respect of the application process to this Deputy in order to assist clubs in County Kildare with their application in view of the volume of queries the Deputy receives; and her plans to reform and or simplify the application process [18874/21]

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The Sports Capital and Equipment Programme (SCEP) is the primary vehicle for Government support for the development of sports and physical recreation facilities and the purchase of non-personal sports equipment throughout the country.

The 2020 round of the SCEP closed for applications on Monday 1st March. By the closing date, 3,106 applications were submitted seeking over €200m in funding. This is the highest number of applications ever received.

The scoring system and assessment procedures for the 2020 round are nearing finalisation and will be published before the detailed assessment of individual applications commences. Previous funding received by a club is a consideration when assessing applications. Marks are awarded to applicants that have not received generous funding in the past and this is designed to help new clubs and organisations access funding.

In relation to the application process itself, a detailed guide to making an application is available at This site also contains a video guide to completing the application form, a "Frequently Asked Questions" section and the scoring system used for previous rounds of the programme. Significant improvements have been made to the programme in recent years including the streamlining of the application form, the introduction of a 2nd chance facility for invalid applications and an appeals system for unsuccessful applicants. If the Deputy has any questions, the Department officials are very happy to assist her.

Maoiniú d'Eagrais Ghaeilge

Questions (628)

Éamon Ó Cuív


628. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív den Aire Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán cad é an tsuim airgid iomlán a cheadaigh a Roinn d’Fhoras na Gaeilge in 2020; cén méid den airgead sin a caitheadh in 2020; murar caitheadh ar fad é, cén méid nár caitheadh; agus an ndéanfaidh sí ráiteas ina thaobh. [18881/21]

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Íocann mo Roinn 75% de bhuiséad bhunlíne na Comhairle Aireachta Thuaidh Theas d’Fhoras na Gaeilge. In 2020, b'ionann sin agus €11,087,184.

Cuirfear sonraí maidir le caiteachais an Fhorais ar fáil i Cuntais Leithreasa 2020 mo Roinne a fhoilseofar níos déanaí i mbliana ar shuíomh an Ard-Reachtaire um Chuntas agus Chiste ag

Covid-19 Pandemic Supports

Questions (629)

Éamon Ó Cuív


629. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media her plans to introduce a scheme to support tourist businesses with a turnover of less than €50,000 affected by the Covid-19 crisis in view that the previously announced Fáilte Ireland scheme excluded this sector; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18890/21]

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The focus of the Tourism Business Continuity financial support is to support strategic tourism businesses to offset fixed costs incurred in 2020 and support them to continue operating through 2021. One of the eligibility criteria for the scheme is a minimum annual turnover of €50,000. The rationale for this threshold is based on the likelihood that, for businesses with a turnover of less than €50,000, non-payroll fixed costs will be sufficiently low to enable the owners furlough the business by availing of other state aids (namely income supports such as the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP) and the Employee Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS)), thereby enabling these businesses to re-emerge as public health restrictions ease.

While I do not propose to introduce further supports for tourism businesses in this position, I am committed to continuing support for tourism through this difficult period and to working towards reopening and recovery. As part of the National Economic Recovery Plan, Government will be outlining how we will help people return to work and further support sectors which have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. As part of that plan, along with my colleagues in Government, we will consider more targeted measures to help reboot those sectors, such as tourism, which will face particular challenges during the recovery phase when the economy reopens.

Sports Organisations

Questions (630)

Michael Healy-Rae


630. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media the status of an application by a club (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18897/21]

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The Sports Capital and Equipment Programme is the primary vehicle for Government support for the development of sports and physical recreation facilities and the purchase of non-personal sports equipment throughout the country.

The 2020 round of the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme closed for applications on Monday 1st March. By the closing date, 3,106 applications were submitted seeking over €200m in funding. This is the highest number of applications ever received.

The scoring system and assessment procedures are nearing finalisation and all applications, including the application referred to by the Deputy, will be assessed in accordance with these. Given the large number of applications received this assessment process is likely to take a number of months. As soon as this process is complete all applicants will be informed of the outcome of the assessment of their application.

Sports Capital Programme

Questions (631)

Éamon Ó Cuív


631. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media when decisions will be made on the 2020 Sports Capital and Equipment Programme; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18938/21]

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The Sports Capital and Equipment Programme is the primary vehicle for Government support for the development of sports and physical recreation facilities and the purchase of non-personal sports equipment throughout the country.

The 2020 round of the Sports Capital and Equipment Programme closed for applications on Monday 1st March. By the closing date, 3,106 applications were submitted seeking over €200m in funding. This is the highest number of applications ever received.

The scoring system and assessment procedures are nearing finalisation and all applications will be assessed in accordance with these. Given the large number of applications received this assessment process is likely to take a number of months. As soon as this process is complete all applicants will be informed of the outcome of the assessment of their application.

Sports Events

Questions (632)

Brendan Griffin


632. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media if legislation will be introduced to regulate road bowling; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [18956/21]

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Sport Ireland recognises Ból-Chumann na hÉireann as the National Governing Body for the sport of road bowling in Ireland. The primary aim of the organisation is to foster and direct bowl playing for the overall advancement of the sport. Sport Ireland does not regulate individual sports.

Ból-Chumann na hÉireann has formal policies in place setting out their rules of play including competition and safety. Additional guidance on the roles of referees and officials as well as dealing with disputes that arise out of play have also been developed by the NGB. All members on joining the association agree to accept the rules, regulations and decisions set out in its governing documents.

The Deputy will be aware that National Governing Bodies of Sport recognised by Sport Ireland are key partners in delivering the strategic aims of sport in Ireland, in particular the delivery of the National Sports Policy 2018-2027. Sport Ireland invests directly into the National Governing Bodies of Sport to assist them in the development of their individual sports. In 2020, Sport Ireland allocated €32,000 to Ból-Chumann na hÉireann through its Core Funding programme. NGBs in turn work with their club network and partners to develop and deliver the sport at a local level. This includes the effective operation of the sport, hosting, sanctioning and delivery of events and development of the club network.
