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Social Welfare Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 5 May 2021

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Questions (416)

Seán Sherlock


416. Deputy Sean Sherlock asked the Minister for Social Protection if she will address a matter raised in correspondence (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [22951/21]

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There are 3 categories of claimant who may qualify for Jobseeker’s Benefit while partially employed. They are short-time workers, casual workers and part-time workers.

In order to classify a person as either a short-time, part-time or casual work employee, each case is examined on its merits having regard to the person’s employment history, any fluctuation in the number of days worked, the systematic pattern of the work days, the existence of a contract of employment and if the employee is in receipt of a set wage.

In the case referred to by the Deputy, the customer is considered a part-time worker. He is not categorised as a short-time worker as the number of days worked is not systematic i.e. there is no clear repetitive pattern of employment, nor is he categorised as a casual worker given his circumstances including that he has assurance of repeat employment from the same employer. In order to requalify for jobseekers benefit when a claim exhausts benefit, a part-time worker has to satisfy the substantial loss of employment condition.

My officials have examined the cumulative total of days paid in the individual’s claim to date and I am satisfied that the figure recorded in the Department is correct.

The duration of payment for Jobseeker’s Benefit is 9 months (234 days) for people with 260 or more PRSI contributions paid. It is paid for 6 months (156 days) for people with fewer than 260 PRSI contributions paid. The Department corresponds with the Jobseekers Benefit recipient in advance of the expiry date of their claim and advises of the option to apply for the means tested Jobseeker's Allowance scheme. Jobseekers Allowance has no duration limit as long as a person meets the qualifying scheme conditions including the means test.

I trust this clarifies the position for the Deputy.
