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Covid-19 Pandemic

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 5 May 2021

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Questions (667)

Alan Farrell


667. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Minister for Health if he plans to use the Covid-19 tracker application operated by the HSE to provide evidence of vaccination from Covid-19; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [23282/21]

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This is a decision for the HSE who have operational responsibility for the development of the app. Whilst it would be convenient for users of the app to be able to store their electronic vaccination certificates on the app, data privacy issues would be a foremost consideration. The Covid tracker app was based the principle of privacy by design with no data related to the identity of the app user contained within the app. If evidence of vaccination was to be added, careful consideration would need to be given to such matters.
