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Driver Test

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 25 May 2021

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Questions (156)

Aindrias Moynihan


156. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Transport the engagement he has had with the RSA and NDLS to resolve the ongoing issue due to Covid-19 restrictions that have resulted in the current backlog of driver test appointments and driver theory test appointments; when the roll-out of the online theory test will be available to all category A, B and W applicants; the number of applicants it is planned to test each month from now to September 2021 in these categories; the number of new applicants in these categories for both driver test and theory test in County Cork in the preceding 24 months, in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28146/21]

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My Department is in constant contact with the Road Safety Authority (RSA) since the start of the pandemic regarding all of its services, the impact of Covid-19 on those services, and how they can best be maintained in the current circumstances.

The information the regarding the number of new applicants in these categories for both driver test and theory test in County Cork in the preceding 24 months is an operational matter for the RSA, and I have therefore referred these parts of the question to the authority for direct reply. I would ask the Deputy to contact my office if a response has not been received within ten days.

Due to the suspension of driver testing services in the initial pandemic response, along with the health protocols required since the resumption of services, a significant backlog has developed.

Driving tests for essential workers continue to be the priority for the driver testing service.

However, in line with the gradual reopening of services, driving tests for those who are eligible to take the test and have been waiting longest will recommence in a limited fashion from next week.

The further opening of the driver testing service will be the subject of discussions between Department of Transport officials and the RSA in the coming weeks.

My Department is liaising with the RSA on an ongoing basis to meet the growing demand for tests. An additional 40 driver testers have been authorised along with 36 approved for retention or rehire in 2020. The RSA is making good progress in recruiting these additional testers and they are expected to conduct tests by the end of June 2021. Further recruitment is also being discussed.

The Driver Theory Test is considered a non-essential service and remains closed for now. The Department understands the frustration at this decision. However, these restrictions imposed by the Government based on the advice of NPHET and their panel of scientific experts, are in place to minimize the impact of Covid-19 on this country and its people.

Officials both in this Department and in the Road Safety Authority are keeping the public health situation under constant review and are working extremely hard to ensure that Theory Tests can resume as soon as it is safe to do so.

Because the service was closed for long periods of time over the last year, a large backlog of customers has built up. To deal with the backlog, the RSA have plans to increase capacity when it is allowed to re-open. This additional capacity will see the number of tests increase from an average pre Covid19 output of approximately 15,000 tests per month up to 50,000 per month. This will help significantly to tackle the backlog.

The RSA is working to deliver an online driver theory test service. A pilot online driver theory test is underway for trucks and buses. This will be extended to car drivers shortly, initially with up to 3,200 online tests being conducted per month. Online services will be made more widely available towards the end of 2021.

A referred reply was forwarded to the Deputy under Standing Order 51
Question No. 157 answered with Question No. 90.