The Deputy will be aware that the Programme for Government contains commitments to, among other things, review SUSI eligibility criteria, adjacency rates and postgraduate grant supports. On foot of these commitments I gave approval to commence a review of the Student Grant Scheme.
A Steering Committee has been established to provide direction for the external consultants undertaking the review. Its membership includes: the Union of Students of Ireland; Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI), SOLAS, the HEA; Irish University Association (IUA); Technological Higher Education Association (THEA); Technological University Dublin (TUD), the Department of Social Protection and officials from my Department.
The public consultation process closed a few weeks ago with over 250 submissions received. The views of students were sought via an online survey process and over 8,500 survey responses have been received. The survey process is now closed and the consultants will now commence their analysis of the rich data captured in the surveys.
While I cannot pre-empt the outcome of the review, it is anticipated that the review will be completed later this year and will inform future considerations regarding the development of student grant policy.