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Childcare Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 May 2021

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Questions (14)

Ruairí Ó Murchú


14. Deputy Ruairí Ó Murchú asked the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if consideration has been given to the extending remit of the Department of Education in relation to the sponsorship of children within the national childcare scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [28571/21]

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I understand the Deputy has clarified that this extended remit of the Department of Education relates to the educational welfare services in Tusla having a sponsor role under the National Childcare Scheme. The Scheme is under review at present, and this provides us with an opportunity to consider any possible changes to sponsorship arrangements.

The National Childcare Scheme represents the first ever statutory entitlement to financial support for early learning and childcare.

It marks a shift away from previous schemes, which were based on medical card and social protection entitlements to offer a progressive system of universal and income-based subsidies.

The scheme is designed so that those on lowest incomes receive the greatest support.

The NCS also includes sponsorship arrangements that allows for additional support for vulnerable families where there is an identified need for early learning and childcare on the grounds of child development or child welfare.

There are currently five sponsorship arrangements in place. This includes the Department of Education who can make NCS referrals for teen parents under the age of 18 so they can remain in education or training.

I am committed to reviewing and extending these arrangement where appropriate.

A formal review of the NCS has commenced, as required under Section 26 of the Childcare Support Act 2018. It is intended that a finalised report of this review will be published in late 2021. At my specific request the review will include an assessment of the Scheme’s impact on services operating in disadvantaged communities.

The review will provide a basis for the DCEDIY to consider how effectively the NCS is operating and whether it is meeting the objectives which are meaningfully measurable within the first year.

Based on this Review, I will consider any necessary changes to enhance the NCS, including arrangements for sponsorship.
