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Teaching Council of Ireland

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 May 2021

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Questions (204)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


204. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Education if she plans to request the Teaching Council to reverse its downgrading of the level of history required for aspirant second-level teachers of history (details supplied). [28917/21]

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I wish to advise the Deputy that the Teaching Council initiated a review of its post-primary curricular subject requirements in 2018 in the context of a range of factors. In its review, the Council took a whole system view considering the needs and diversity of the profession. In this regard, the diversity of stakeholder views was taken into account during the comprehensive consultation process. In the revision of the curricular subject requirements, standards have been maintained and safeguarded whilst granularity has been removed to enhance responsiveness and agility to system needs.

The curricular subject requirements set out minimum standards that must be met for the purposes of registration with the Council as a post-primary teacher. The requirements provide HEIs with flexibilities in the design of their academic programmes and provides for them to continue to structure such programmes in the way that they wish.

In relation to the subject of History, the requirements provide that applicants must hold a degree level qualification with History studied up to and including third year level; the study of Irish History is required and the studies must show that the holder has acquired sufficient knowledge, skills and understanding to teach the History syllabus/specification to the highest level in post-primary education.
