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Childcare Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 27 May 2021

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Questions (49)

Neale Richmond


49. Deputy Neale Richmond asked the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth the medium-term plans of his Department to develop afterschool care; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [26127/21]

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My Department's overarching objectives for school-age childcare (SAC) are, like its objectives for early learning and care (ELC), to strengthen the quality, affordability and accessibility of provision. Specific commitments are included in the Action Plan on SAC (published in 2017), which sets a strategic direction for SAC, and in First 5 (which covers the period 2019-2028).

Two of the central commitments in the Action Plan on SAC were the development of quality standards and introduction of a quality assurance system. Initial Regulations for SAC were introduced in 2019, to enable SAC services to register with Tusla and take part in the National Childcare Scheme. My Department then published National Quality Guidelines for SAC Services in September 2020. The National Quality Guidelines, which describe the features of good quality practice in SAC, are an important resource for the diverse range of services that provide SAC in Ireland today. Key actions over the coming years will include roll-out of training to support implementation of the Guidelines, and the development and introduction of comprehensive regulations for SAC.

First 5 commits to introduce a minimum qualification for all staff working in SAC services, with an appropriate period of time to meet the requirement. Work is currently under way through the Workforce Development Plan to specify an appropriate qualification requirement. Implementation of the Workforce Development Plan over the coming years will involve roll-out of relevant training for staff and services.

The future development of both SAC and ELC will be shaped by a number of major projects under way at present, including the Workforce Development Plan and development of a new funding model for the sector. In addition to setting minimum qualifications, the Workforce Development Plan is looking at ways to raise the profile of careers in the sector, strengthen CPD, and build a more gender-balanced and diverse workforce. The Expert Group on a new funding model is examining mechanisms to ensure that increased State investment delivers for children and families to ensure greater levels of affordability, accessibility, quality and inclusion. Reports on both initiatives are due by the end of the year.

Other reforms signalled in First 5 and other national strategies may also encompass SAC over the coming years, including development of additional supports in areas of disadvantage, and capital investment under the National Development Plan.
