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Harbours and Piers

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 1 June 2021

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Questions (543)

Denise Mitchell


543. Deputy Denise Mitchell asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if the capital works in Howth Harbour are currently fully or partially funded by his Department; the estimated cost of each capital works project; and when each project will be completed in tabular form [29489/21]

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Howth Fishery Harbour Centre (FHC) is one of the six designated Fishery Harbour Centres which are owned, managed and maintained by my Department under Statute.

Funding for capital works is made available on an annual basis by the Department to the Fishery Harbour Centres, via the Fishery Harbour and Coastal Infrastructure Development Programme.  These capital works are fully funded by the Department.  Since 2010, €14.68 million has been invested in Howth FHC.

I recently announced a capital investment package of €38.3 million in the 2021 Fishery Harbour and Coastal Infrastructure Development Programme, and I am pleased to advise the Deputy that €8.295 million has been allocated to works at Howth FHC.  Details of the projects included in, and funding allocated to Howth FHC under the Fishery Harbour & Coastal Infrastructure Development Programme 2021 are in the following link.

COVID-19 restrictions have meant the necessary closure of construction sites and related delays for projects at Howth Fishery Harbour Centre.

With the exception of the Middle Pier Berthing Project, the Harbour Dredging Design & Permitting Stage project and the Fisherman’s toilet & shower facility, all projects at the construction stage are due to be completed by December 2021.  

Howth Fishery Harbour
