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Departmental Correspondence

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 17 June 2021

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Questions (389)

Fergus O'Dowd


389. Deputy Fergus O'Dowd asked the Minister for Justice if she will address a matter regarding a proposal by a community group (details supplied); and if she will make a statement on the matter. [32573/21]

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As the Deputy will be aware, the Department of Justice is leading on the drafting of the implementation plan for the Drogheda Scoping Report, and is coordinating input from relevant departments, agencies and the Louth local authority to drive the recommendations forward. My Department will maintain an oversight role on the implementation of the scoping report, in close cooperation and coordination with other departments as well as the Louth local authority.

The publication of the implementation plan for the Drogheda Scoping Exercise is a key action in the Justice Plan 2021. As well as publishing the scoping report, my Department has identified some actions for early implementation which can be progressed in line with the finalisation of the implementation plan. As part of the input being sought from departments, the implementation plan will outline resources being put into the community in Drogheda. I look forward to bringing the implementation plan to Government in the near future.

I would further note that all applications for funding in any area of community safety that are received by my Department are welcome, and will receive appropriate and thorough consideration as part of the relevant funding assessment process.
