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Rail Network

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 17 June 2021

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Questions (40)

Brian Leddin


40. Deputy Brian Leddin asked the Minister for Transport the potential of commuter rail to allow regional cities to grow in a sustainable manner; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32142/21]

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As the Deputy is aware, transport investment in our regional cities is now guided by the development of metropolitan area transport strategies which set out programmes of proposed transport investment in active travel, bus and rail for each metropolitan area. This evidence based, plan-led transport planning will, I believe, allow the regional cities to grow in a sustainable and compact manner, as informed by the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies.

There has already been substantial progress in relation to rail in the regional cities. A feasibility study has been undertaken in Galway in relation to proposed improvements along the Athenry to Galway corridor and investment announced under the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) to support infrastructure works at Oranmore station and improvement at Ceannt Station. URDF funding has also been announced to support the movement of Waterford’s Plunkett Station to the North Quays. In Limerick, options are being considered for the enhancement of rail services in the city region as part of the development of its metropolitan area transport strategy, while in Cork, the start of a major investment in the metropolitan rail network for the city was recently announced as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

I believe our policy for the regional cities must be to encourage transport-led development along high-capacity public transport corridors, including our commuter rail networks. This can allow for the development of sustainable and well-connected communities where active travel becomes the preferred mode of travel for many localised journeys and good quality public transport is available to facilitate longer journeys into the major urban centres.
