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Eating Disorders

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 30 June 2021

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Questions (226)

Patricia Ryan


226. Deputy Patricia Ryan asked the Minister for Health the number of specialist eating disorder beds in an adolescent mental health unit available in the State; the number in each location; the average waiting time for a bed in each facility; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27741/21]

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Enhancement of specialist services for eating disorders, including improved access and shorter waiting lists, remains a key priority for me, Government as a whole and the HSE.

In response to the growth in cases presenting to mental health services, €5.7 million has been allocated for the Eating Disorders National Clinical Programme since 2016. The Eating Disorders Model of Care was launched in 2018 and was developed in partnership with the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland and BodyWhys, the national support group for people with eating disorders.

€1.77 million has been invested to date in eating disorder specialist posts, with 21.8 WTEs now in place. In addition, I secured the balance of 3.94M for 2021 and this will enable further investment in specialist posts throughout this year. More specifically, it will allow for the establishment of three new specialist eating disorder teams and the completion of the three existing specialist teams. Premises are already under development for the new community team at the Mount Carmel site, and is expected to be completed by the end 2021. Recruitment is progressing well for all teams.

The funding allocated to date has seen significant growth and improvement in our services. Despite the significant increase in referrals in 2020, there was a 43% increase in the number of eating disorder assessments completed, compared to 2019, with twice as many people starting treatment.

As of last year, there are three specialist eating disorder teams in place. This means that we can treat over 90% of people with eating disorders in the community, avoiding more serious inpatient treatment.

There are currently 2 eating disorder specialist community teams based in CAMHS, one in CHO4 Cork and Kerry Regional Eating Disorder Service CAREDS (operational since May 2019) and the other based in CHO 7 Linn Dara Community Eating Disorder Service LDCEDS (operational since April 2018). Funding has been made available in 2021 to progress the recruitment of an additional CAMHS based eating disorder specialist community team in Community Healthcare West (Galway, Mayo and Roscommon, CHO2).

Specialist outpatient treatment has been found to be the most effective and fastest way for most people with eating disorders to recover. Although there is good evidence that inpatient psychiatric care is not required for most people with eating disorders, it is recognised that a small number of people, mainly with restrictive eating disorders, require inpatient care for short periods, for structured refeeding and/or stabilisation.

In circumstances where in-patient care is required, child and adolescent care is provided in all of the 4 Regional CAMHS Units across the country. Linn Dara (8 beds) and Merlin Park (6 beds) have dedicated a number of specialist eating disorder beds, while the remaining 2 CAMHS units accept relevant admissions of children with eating disorders. There is national coordination of child and adolescent admissions, with transfer arrangements in place as required by individual clinical need. As of 29/06/21, there are 3 people on a waiting list for a specialist CAMHS eating disorder bed.

There are plans for an Eating Disorder Unit in the new National Children’s Hospital which will provide 8 additional beds. The HSE also funds individuals in private facilities. Decisions are made based on individual clinical need, as assessed by the local mental health team, and the prioritisation of available funding.

With respect to your question regarding the average wait time for in-patient beds, as it relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Importantly, with the right support and intervention, people can and do recover from eating disorders. The Government and the Department, along with the HSE and its partners, are committed to providing and expanding high-quality treatment and support for all those affected by eating disorders.
