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Forestry Sector

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 6 July 2021

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Questions (604)

Alan Dillon


604. Deputy Alan Dillon asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the status of felling licences; the number of licences applied for in 2020 and to date in 2021; the processing metrics associated with the applications; the actions being implemented to speed-up processing times; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36356/21]

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The Department has issued 1,105 felling licences to the end of June 2021 which is 28% higher than the same point last year. In volume terms, 77% more timber has been licensed this year compared to last year, albeit from a lower base.

Over 1,760 felling licence applications were submitted in 2020 and 2,413 have been submitted to date in 2021. The 1,105 licences issued represents an increase of 28% on the number of licences issued to the same date last year which clearly demonstrates that measures that have been introduced to speed-up processing times are working.

The Deputy will be aware of Project Woodland which aims at, among other matters, addressing the backlog of forestry licences awaiting decision.

Two working groups in particular are looking at the licensing situation. Working Group 1 is tasked with looking at the backlog. This Group has examined in detail the cases on hand and is producing specific recommendations for improving output, including a definition of the backlog, which has been brought to the Project Board for consideration. Working Group 4 is concentrating on licensing process improvement. A business analyst has commenced work on an end-to-end process review.
