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Flexible Work Practices

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 7 July 2021

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Questions (55)

Bernard Durkan


55. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform when further information will be available on the future remote working policy for the public and Civil Service with particular reference to implementation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36644/21]

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You will be aware that the Government has committed in the Programme for Government to mandating public sector employers to move to 20% home and remote working by 2021. It is proposed that remote working in the Civil Service, post pandemic, will be facilitated on a blended basis, subject to roles being deemed as suitable to be carried out remotely. In this context, Officials in my Department have been working with employers across the Civil and Public Service to develop a Blended Working Policy Framework for the Civil Service, which focuses on the longer-term approach to remote working in the sector and to ensure a consistent approach is achieved throughout the public sector.

Blended working will change the way in which the civil and public service carries out its business and many complex issues, including legal issues, need to be considered. Given the complexities involved, I am sure you will agree that the development of the Framework should be afforded appropriate time in order for organisations to progress their own blended working policies.

When the draft of the Framework is completed with internal stakeholders, it will be shared with the relevant unions and my officials will commence engagement with them. When this engagement has concluded, Civil Service organisations will develop their own blended working policies which will then be implemented by them.
