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Childcare Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 July 2021

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Questions (491)

Alan Dillon


491. Deputy Alan Dillon asked the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if there are plans to increase the funding available to national organisations within the remit of his Department; if additional funding pathways will be considered for an organisation (details supplied); the supports that will be put in place to assist childminders with any regulatory obligations resulting from the National Action Plan for Childminding; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [37454/21]

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My Department is currently carrying out a comprehensive review of the operating model for early learning and childcare. This is line with a commitment in First 5, the Whole of Government Strategy for Babies, Young Children and their Families (2019-2028). The early learning and childcare sector has grown substantially in the past decade. The objective of this Review is to ensure that the operating model is fit for purpose to implement early learning and childcare policy relating to quality, affordability and access, to the scale and standards required in an evolving and expanding sector.

Until the Review has been completed, I am not in a position to consider additional funding pathways for any of the national organisations that are funded by my Department at this time to support the early learning and childcare sector.

The National Action Plan for Childminding aims to improve access, through childminding, to high quality and affordable childcare. The Action Plan sets out a pathway over the next eight years towards regulation, support and subsidies for all paid, non-relative childminders. The Action Plan will involve change and will bring significant benefits for childminders, and for the children and the families using their services.

The Steering Group for the National Action Plan for Childminding is in the process of being convened, to drive, oversee and monitor implementation of the National Action Plan.  The Steering Group will be supported by four Advisory Groups in relation to: regulation and inspection; training and support; funding and financial supports; and consultation and communications. Once convened, the Steering Group will oversee the development of new childminder-specific regulations, and will consider the necessary supports to assist childminders with regulatory obligations.
