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Disabilities Assessments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 14 July 2021

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Questions (348)

Pauline Tully


348. Deputy Pauline Tully asked the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question Nos. 1014 and 1015 of 31 March 2021, the percentage of assessments of need that were overdue from 30 June 2020 that are now complete; if it is still anticipated that most of the CHO areas will have eliminated their assessments of need backlogs by the end of Quarter 2 2021; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [31012/21]

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In August 2020 the HSE secured €7.8m to address the issue of overdue Assessments of Need (AON).

This funding was provided on a once off and strictly time bound basis to eliminate all AONs overdue at 30th June 2020. While the number of overdue Assessment of Need stood at approximately 6,500 in June 2020, through a combination of different measures, by the end of April 2021 approximately 5,150 children have had their assessment completed, thus reducing the backlog to approximately 1,350 cases. An overall reduction, since the exercise began of approximately 80%. 3 CHOs have cleared their backlog, one of which has exceeded its target.

This is the latest information available from the HSE due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems.

I trust this clarifies the position for the Deputy.
