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Departmental Strategies

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 14 July 2021

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Questions (495)

Holly Cairns


495. Deputy Holly Cairns asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the way her Department and public bodies and agencies under her remit are implementing Action 32 of the National Disability and Inclusion Strategy 2017-2021 (details supplied). [38515/21]

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The Department of Rural and Community Development was established on 19th July 2017 to provide a renewed and consolidated focus on rural and community development in Ireland.

My Department and the agencies under it's remit have engaged with people with disabilities under Action 32 of the National Disability and Inclusion Strategy 2017 – 2021 in a number of ways.

The Department and it's Agencies

My Department has a Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) in place whose role is to assist and support staff with disabilities and their line managers by the provision of necessary information, appropriate contacts, guidance, suggestions and advice. The DLO also plays an important role in promoting awareness about disability across the department and liaising with the National Disability Authority (NDA). In March of this year the Department provided a Disability Awareness Information session delivered by Ability Focus for all staff and is planning to hold Disability Awareness training later in the year for all staff. My Department recently organised Outdoor Recreation Disability Awareness sessions delivered by Cara Sport Inclusion Ireland to our stakeholders and the Department staff.

Western Development Commission

The Western Development Commission (WDC) which is one of the Departments agencies has not made use of consultative committees. Where that situation arises in the future the WDC will actively engage people with disabilities through consultative committees or other appropriate fora.

Water Safety Ireland

Water Safety Ireland has a Disability Policy for potential employees with disabilities. Prior to all vacancies arising, they will have a meeting to ensure that they are fully compliant with all legislation, guidelines and strategies dealing with the potential employment of people with disabilities.

In relation to their members, they have developed a disability awareness course for their swim and lifeguard Instructors/teachers. Water Safety Ireland has also developed a programme of disability swimming courses for their members to facilitate people with disabilities.


Pobal is one of the agencies under the remit of the Department. Pobal is an equal opportunities employer and promotes and encourages access to employment for persons with a disability. They are addressing the effective engagement of persons with disabilities through the development and implementation of a comprehensive Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy. This is being done through its in-house consultative committee structures. Pobal had also engaged with Down Syndrome Ireland regarding providing work placements however, these have been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will be reactivated once public health guidance permits.


My Department continues to provide funding to support people, including those with disabilities, under schemes such as the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP). Between January 2018 and June 2021, a total of 6,468 individuals who registered as having a disability were supported under SICAP, along with 338 local community groups and 65 social enterprises providing supports to people with a disability. For example, under SICAP:

- Monaghan Integrated Development Company supports the County Monaghan Disability Network, which is bringing disability groups together, to work together, to achieve inclusion, integration and equality for people with disabilities.

- The Bray Area Partnership facilitates a forum for local disability groups, services and relevant statutory agencies, called the BAP Disability Network. The forum provides space for members to network, discuss common issues and identify local service gaps/ policy issues to take joint action to promote the full and equal participation of people with a disability in the local community. In 2019, the network hosted disability awareness workshops in local schools and organised pre-election “speed lobbies” of local candidates, where people with a disability asked pre-arranged questions to candidates on the issues and concerns affecting their lives.

Public Participation Networks (PPNs)

Public Participation Networks (PPNs) are independent structures which bring together volunteer-led groups in each local authority area from the Community and Voluntary, Environment, and Social Inclusion sectors. Their primary purpose is to enable such groups to input into the formal decision-making structures of the local authority. Groups whose activities are centred on improving the life chances and opportunities of those who may be at risk of social exclusion, including individuals with disabilities, may register as Social Inclusion groups with their local PPN. There are currently over 3,000 Social Inclusion groups registered with PPNs.

Our Rural Future

Our Rural Future - Rural Development Policy 2021-2025’ was published on 29 March 2021 and is the most ambitious and transformational policy for rural development in Ireland for decades. The policy focuses on optimising opportunities for all individuals in rural communities and promotes inclusivity and social cohesion, placing people and communities at the heart of the measures for delivery.

Our Rural Future was developed after an extensive consultation process and, as a result, it recognises the key needs of people living and working in rural areas, including measures which will support people with disabilities to have greater access to public transport and other services, improved digital connectivity, and increased employment opportunities, including through investment in remote working.

My Department will continue to engage with and listen to all communities as we implement the Policy over the next five years. This ongoing consultation will play a key role allowing us to maximise the impact of Our Rural Future and to develop additional measures for inclusion in the Policy.
