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Rural Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 14 July 2021

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Questions (499)

Aindrias Moynihan


499. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Rural and Community Development the amount budgeted for the local improvement scheme in 2021 for County Cork; the demand for the scheme in County Cork and financial allocations to date by Cork local authorities; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [38553/21]

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The Local Improvement Scheme, or LIS, is a programme for improvement works on small private or non-public roads in rural areas which are not under the normal maintenance of the Local Authorities. The scheme is funded by my Department and is administered through relevant Local Authorities. Cork City Council along with Galway City Council and the Dublin local authorities are not eligible for funding under the LIS Scheme.

I launched the 2021 LIS on 14th May. I was pleased to secure a 5% increase in funding for the Scheme, bringing the funding available for this year to €10.5 million

Cork County Council has been allocated funding of €920,00 in 2021. This represents the highest allocation in the country. This will bring the amount allocated to County Cork to some €5.5 million since 2017, as set out in the following table:


I understand that there is considerable demand for this funding in County Cork and other areas throughout the country. Officials in my Department are currently liaising with the various Local Authorities to ascertain the level of demand and their capacity to complete additional roads this year, should additional funding become available.
