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Departmental Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 July 2021

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Questions (1286)

Jackie Cahill


1286. Deputy Jackie Cahill asked the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science the funding that has been allocated by his Department for projects and initiatives in County Tipperary over the past 12 months; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [40501/21]

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My Department has allocated the following for projects and initiatives in County Tipperary in 2021:

- €29m allocated to Tipperary Education and Training Board through SOLAS, the national Further Education and Training Authority, for the provision of Further Education and Training in County Tipperary. This funds a wide variety of programmes such as apprenticeships, traineeships, Vocational Training and Opportunities Scheme, Youthreach and training people in employment.

- €435k Devolved Capital allocation was provided to enable Tipperary Education and Training Board to carry out important improvements across their estates.

- €50k allocation for programmes run by the Regionals Skills Fora in partnership with Tipperary Education and Training Board: EXPLORE programme to help address the issue of Ireland’s low level of participation in lifelong learning amongst the workforce, , and the DigiEco programme designed by Regional Skills Fora, to help SMEs & Micro Enterprises prepare for the Green Economy.

The published Estimates for my Department’s Vote provides information regarding expenditure and may be of assistance to the Deputy.
