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Immigration Policy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 July 2021

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Questions (1325)

Martin Browne


1325. Deputy Martin Browne asked the Minister for Justice the status of the scheme to regularise undocumented migrants in Ireland; and if it will be in place before the end of 2021. [39126/21]

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As the Deputy will be aware, proposals for a draft scheme to regularise long-term undocumented migrants are being developed in line with the commitment in the Programme for Government to bring forward a regularisation scheme within 18 months of the formation of the Government. As outlined in the Justice Plan 2021, the scheme will be open for applications before the end of this year.  

The scheme will create new pathways for long-term undocumented people and their dependents. Applicants will need to meet specific criteria and these will be formed with a clear consideration of Ireland's European Union (EU) and Common Travel Area (CTA) commitments.

My Department has conducted a wide-ranging public consultation on the proposed scheme. This has provided a valuable opportunity to hear from those who may benefit from  the proposed scheme and my objective is to ensure that the scheme is as inclusive as possible. Last week (23 July), I hosted an information webinar with key stakeholders, to update them on the progress being made in relation to the scheme and to discuss the submissions received as part of the consultation process. 

My Department is continuing to work to finalise the details, including eligibility considerations and qualifying criteria, and also to design and manage the practical aspects to enable applications to be made and processed as efficiently as possible. 

The specific qualifying criteria will be guided by, among other things, the learning from previous regularisation schemes, such as the 2018 Student Scheme, and schemes operated by other EU Member States.  
