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Hospital Equipment

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 July 2021

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Questions (1766)

David Cullinane


1766. Deputy David Cullinane asked the Minister for Health the average all in capital cost of a critical care bed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35474/21]

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Several factors determine the capital cost of a bed. These include the nature of the bed (day case, long-term stay, etc.), and the bed’s location (within an existing facility, within a new extension to an existing facility, etc.)  As such, there is no one capital cost for providing an additional bed.

A recent review of bed costings determined an average capital cost per bed to be in the region of: 

Non Acute Bed - €0.35m to €0.45m

Acute Bed - €0.50m - €0.8m

Critical Care Bed - €1.40m to €1.80m

The estimates exclude any significant enabling works e.g. decant costs as well as other accommodation that may be required to support this additional capacity e.g. diagnostics, theatre space etc. Capital costs are naturally subject to variations with some sites requiring more investment depending on location, project scale, complexity of the site, existing infrastructure, site conditions, design etc. Costs per bed will vary depending on the size of the proposed development. Economies of scale would impact on the per bed cost.
