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Tax Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 July 2021

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Questions (354)

Ged Nash


354. Deputy Ged Nash asked the Minister for Finance the estimated additional yield from a 25 cent increase per pack of 20 cigarettes with an additional 50% for RYO and a 50c increase with an additional 50% for RYO in tabular form; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [39909/21]

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I am advised by Revenue that the ‘Ready Reckoner’, which is published on the Revenue website, shows on page 25, the estimated yield from changes in duties on cigarettes. These estimates assume pro-rata increases in other tobacco products.

The table below provides estimated yield for increases to roll your own tobacco (with the assumption of no change in behaviour by smokers).




Fine Cut including other tobacco

25c + Additional 50%


Fine Cut including other tobacco

50c + Additional 50%

