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Job Creation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 July 2021

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Questions (428)

Richard Boyd Barrett


428. Deputy Richard Boyd Barrett asked the Minister for Finance the most up-to-date figures for the number of jobs created by the Irish Strategic Investment Fund in its commercial partnerships; and the locations in which these jobs were created by companies obtaining such investment. [41167/21]

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I am informed by the National Treasury Management Agency, which manages the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF), that this information can be obtained on the ISIF website at the following link:

The data in the report reflects detailed survey data for the six month period up to 30 June 2020. Given the quantum of surveys of underlying investees and underlying investees of indirect investments and the comprehensive analysis completed, finalisation and publication of this economic impact data lags 6 months behind and so the H1 2020 update presents the most recent data available. The most recent survey for FY 2020 is complete, is going through their quality assurance & approval process and will soon be published within the ISIF H1 2021 Update.

As the Deputy will see on page 16 of the report, as at 30 June 2020, jobs supported by ISIF capital amounted to 29,566. Further detail on the geographic split is outlined on page 17, where it shows that Dublin accounted for 44% of these jobs, Leinster ex-Dublin 28%, Munster 18%, Connacht 5% and Ulster 5%. This is broadly in line with the latest available data on the Central Statistics Office regional split of Gross Value Added, where Dublin accounted for 45%, Leinster 19%, Munster 24%, Connacht 7% and Ulster 5%.
