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Tuesday, 27 Jul 2021

Written Answers Nos. 1572-1597

Mental Health Services

Questions (1572)

Thomas Gould


1572. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Health the number of persons that have been referred to addiction or mental health services by their general practitioner in each of the years 2017 to 2020 and to date in 2021, in tabular form. [34342/21]

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As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Mental Health Services

Questions (1573)

Thomas Gould


1573. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Health the number of persons that have been referred to addiction or mental health services by Tusla in each of the years 2017 to 2020 and to date in 2021, in tabular form. [34343/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Mental Health Services

Questions (1574)

Thomas Gould


1574. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Health the number of persons that have been referred to addiction or mental health services through means other than hospital, general practitioner or Tusla in each of the years 2017 to 2020 and to date in 2021, in tabular form. [34344/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Mental Health Services

Questions (1575)

Thomas Gould


1575. Deputy Thomas Gould asked the Minister for Health the number of presentations for self-harm in each of the years 2017 to 2020 and to date in 2021, in tabular form. [34345/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Health Service Executive

Questions (1576)

Paul McAuliffe


1576. Deputy Paul McAuliffe asked the Minister for Health the reason the HSE is no longer interested in the units at a location (details supplied). [34349/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Hospital Facilities

Questions (1577)

Patricia Ryan


1577. Deputy Patricia Ryan asked the Minister for Health the plans that are in place to improve and develop services at Naas General Hospital, County Kildare; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34350/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Home Care Packages

Questions (1578)

Patricia Ryan


1578. Deputy Patricia Ryan asked the Minister for Health the number of dementia-related intensive home care packages being provided in each county in 2021; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34351/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Home Care Packages

Questions (1579)

Patricia Ryan


1579. Deputy Patricia Ryan asked the Minister for Health the cost of delivering the Sláintecare commitment to establishing a statutory home care scheme; the timeframe involved; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34352/21]

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Enabling people with care needs to continue to live independently at home for as long as possible is a priority for the Government. To advance this, the Government is committed to establishing a new, statutory scheme for the financing and regulation of home-support services, which the Department of Health is currently developing. It is envisaged that the new scheme will provide equitable access to high-quality services based on a person’s assessed care-needs.

Work is on-going within the Department to determine the optimal approach to the development of the new scheme within the broader context of the Sláintecare reforms. This work encompasses the development of the regulatory framework for the new scheme; the examination of the options for the financing model for the scheme; and the development of a reformed model of service-delivery. With the aim of ensuring that all service-users are provided with a standard, high-quality level of care which is safe, effective, and person-centred, it is envisaged that the regulatory framework will encompass primary legislation for the licensing of providers, minimum standards, and national quality standards.

The Sláintecare Implementation Strategy and Action Plan 2021–2023 commits to the advancement of the development of the new home-support scheme in 2021 and to the commencement of its implementation in 2022. Funding was secured in 2021 for the HSE to progress the roll-out of interRAI as the standard assessment tool for care-needs in the community; the pilot of a reformed model of service-delivery for home-support; and the establishment of a National Office for Home Support Services.

Mobilisation of the pilot of a reformed model of service-delivery is expected to commence at the end of August, supported by the National Office. The pilot will deliver an additional 230,000 hours of home-support over a six month period in four community healthcare network (CHN) sites. The four sites selected for the pilot are: CHO 2 Tuam, Athenry and Loughrea; CHO 4 Bandon, Kinsale and Carrigaline; CHO 7 Ballyfermot and Palmerstown; and CHO 8 East Westmeath. In addition, approximately 130 posts have been funded for the national rollout of the interRAI Ireland system, which the home-support pilot will test as the standard assessment tool for care-needs.

While the new home-support scheme is under development, the Government is prioritising improving access to home-support services. As part of Budget 2021, funding for an additional 5 million hours of home-support was provided. This increased investment will contribute to meeting the Programme for Government commitment to providing equitable access to home-support services.

Community Care

Questions (1580, 1705)

Patricia Ryan


1580. Deputy Patricia Ryan asked the Minister for Health the cost of delivering the Sláintecare commitment to invest in 32 community specialist hubs for older persons and persons living with chronic disease; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34353/21]

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Mairéad Farrell


1705. Deputy Mairéad Farrell asked the Minister for Health the cost of delivering the Sláintecare commitment to invest in 32 community specialist hubs for older persons and persons living with chronic disease; the timeframe involved; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34282/21]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 1580 and 1705 together.

In 2021, significant funding of €150 million was allocated to deliver a programme of Enhanced Community Care, a key component of which is the provision of Community Specialist Teams for the management of chronic disease and to support older people with complex needs.

Of the total €150 million, €45.5 million was allocated to establish Community Specialist Teams for Chronic Disease Management (CDM) and €18.1 million was allocated to establish Specialist Teams for Older Persons. This funding was intended to allow for the development of 36 teams in the first phase of the ECC rollout, 18 of which would support CDM and 18 of which would support older persons.

The ongoing impact of COVID and the disruption caused by the cyberattack on the HSE has delayed the full establishment of the teams, but work and recruitment is ongoing, and it is expected that they will be more fully established by year end. The remaining teams (28 in total) will be provisioned under the second phase of the ECC Programme.

This Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue and is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services.

Health Services Staff

Questions (1581)

Seán Canney


1581. Deputy Seán Canney asked the Minister for Health if the HSE has support staff and policies in place to assist and support employees who feel they may have dyslexia to assist with diagnosis and to get formal accommodations if required; the other supports in place for persons working within the HSE who have dyslexia; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34358/21]

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Written answers

It is not possible at present to refer PQs to the HSE for response, on foot of the cyber attack on their IT systems. As such, the Deputy may wish to raise this question again when it will be possible for the HSE to respond.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Questions (1582)

Seán Canney


1582. Deputy Seán Canney asked the Minister for Health his views on the current difficulties being faced by sporting businesses and clubs that are not affiliated to a governing body such as independent carting clubs which are excluded from operation due to the definition of a sporting event under the current Covid-19 legislation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34360/21]

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Written answers

I wish to advise the Deputy that National Governing Bodies and the definition of sporting events is a matter for the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

Family Support Services

Questions (1583)

Fergus O'Dowd


1583. Deputy Fergus O'Dowd asked the Minister for Health his views on the press release (details supplied) in respect of the Family Addiction Support Network which has issued a warning that it may have to close its doors in July 2021 due to critical underfunding in the service; his plans to make sure this does not take place in order to safeguard the essential support services it provides in the north-east region; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34365/21]

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Written answers

The National Drug Strategy, Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery, recognises the role of families affected by drug use in contributing to the planning, design and delivery of effective addiction services.

In Budget 2021, I secured €280,000 in additional funding to support family services. This funding will be used to develop and broaden the range of peer-led, mutual aid and family support programmes in accordance with best practice, in line with goal 4 of the National Drugs Strategy. The development of family support services is listed as a drug and alcohol priority in the HSE National Service Plan for 2021. It is intended that the HSE will develop coordinated family support programmes in the following four areas this year:

- Dublin North Inner City,

- Cork/Kerry,

- Louth and Meath,

- Donegal.

Each initiative will be allocated €70,000. I am happy to report that the funding allocated for these services is currently being drawn down by the HSE in line with departmental guidelines.

Arising from the scoping report on community safety and wellbeing in Drogheda, the HSE is undertaking a review of statutory, voluntary and community drug services in the region. This includes the provision of family support services.

I am aware that the HSE has had an initial meeting with Family Addiction Support Network (FASN) and requested a revised funding application up to end of 2021, which is being considered.

I would encourage FASN to continue to engage with the HSE re the allocation of the additional funding for family support services in Louth and Meath.

Health Services

Questions (1584, 1760)

David Cullinane


1584. Deputy David Cullinane asked the Minister for Health the annualised revenue and capital cost of implementing all of the remaining measures in the Health Service Breastfeeding Action Plan 2016-2021 in 2022; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34367/21]

View answer

David Cullinane


1760. Deputy David Cullinane asked the Minister for Health the outstanding measures in the Breastfeeding Action Plan; the estimated additional funding this requires for full implementation; the basis on which this funding must be made available that is, one-off or recurring; the revenue and capital split of this funding; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35468/21]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 1584 and 1760 together.

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

I can say however that this year, Healthy Ireland is making a significant investment towards giving children the best start in life through facilitating the implementation of the National Breastfeeding Action Plan. Ireland has a culture of bottle feeding and, in order to improve child and maternal health, as well as reductions in childhood obesity and chronic diseases, we need to improve our breastfeeding rates. In May, funding of €1.54m was announced which will provide the additional 24 lactation consultants across hospital and community settings, that are required to ensure timely skilled assistance for mothers who wish to breastfeed and support enhanced training, skills and knowledge to frontline staff.

Vaccination Programme

Questions (1585, 1619, 1675, 1695, 1708)

Michael McNamara


1585. Deputy Michael McNamara asked the Minister for Health when Covid-19 vaccines will be made available to persons aged 12 to 18 with an underlying condition; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34368/21]

View answer

John Brady


1619. Deputy John Brady asked the Minister for Health when vaccination will commence for those aged between 12 and 15 who are deemed at very high risk of severe disease in line with the European Medicines Agency approval for the use of a vaccine (details supplied) for the age group; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34502/21]

View answer

Gino Kenny


1675. Deputy Gino Kenny asked the Minister for Health if there are plans to administer a vaccine (details supplied) to young persons with conditions, syndromes or illnesses who are particularly vulnerable should they contract the Covid-19 virus in view of his recent acknowledgement as good news that the European Medical Agency and others have approved the vaccine for use in the 12 to 15 year olds cohort; if so, when this will happen; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34912/21]

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Peadar Tóibín


1695. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Health when vulnerable children aged between 12 and 15 years of age will be offered vaccination against Covid-19; the NIAC advice in relation to same; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34981/21]

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Maurice Quinlivan


1708. Deputy Maurice Quinlivan asked the Minister for Health when children under the age of 16 who suffer from severe cystic fibrosis that have been absent from the in-school setting since March 2020 will be considered eligible to avail of a Covid-19 vaccine; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35043/21]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 1585, 1619, 1675, 1695 and 1708 together.

Ireland welcomes the European Medicines Agency age extension recommendations for the COVID-19 vaccines Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech) and Spikevax (Moderna) to include use in children 12+. The National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) has reviewed the matter and recommended that the Vaccination Programme is extended to encompass the vaccination of children aged between 12-15 years of age. The NIAC advice recommends that all those aged 12–15 years should be offered an mRNA vaccine.

Hospital Services

Questions (1586)

Brendan Smith


1586. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Health if the level of services provided at a healthcare facility (details supplied) will continue as at present; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34369/21]

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Written answers

The Department of Health has been in contact with the RCSI Hospital Group and they have confirmed that services at the Emergency Department in Cavan General Hospital remain unchanged.

Covid-19 Tests

Questions (1587)

Dara Calleary


1587. Deputy Dara Calleary asked the Minister for Health if the HSE will consider offering free Covid-19 PCR tests for patients travelling to the UK for essential treatment; if he has had discussions with the HSE in relation to circumstances (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34370/21]

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COVID-19 tests for the purposes of travel, both to and from the State, can be sourced via private testing providers, in order to preserve the testing capacity of the HSE for priority groups and public health screening.

Arrivals to Ireland can now show evidence of vaccination, recovery or a negative / non-detected RT-PCR test upon arrival. Persons travelling with a negative / non-detected RT-PCR test must ensure that it was taken within 72 hours of arrival. There is no requirement that the RT-PCR test must be completed in the country of departure.

These travel measures are kept under continuous review based on public health advice and the international epidemiological situation.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Questions (1588)

Alan Farrell


1588. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Minister for Health the steps that are being taken to reassure the public that hospitals are safe to attend now that transmission of Covid-19 is minimal amongst healthcare workers; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34371/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Health Services

Questions (1589)

Alan Farrell


1589. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Minister for Health if funding will be set aside for a programme of recovery for cancer services; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34372/21]

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Written answers

The National Action Plan on Covid-19 identified the continued provision of cancer care as a priority. Cancer services continue to operate in line with guidance issued by the HSE's National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP).

Funding of €12m has been allocated in Budget 2021 specifically for the restoration of cancer services in the context of Covid-19. This funding is supporting hospitals in addressing backlogs, extending clinic times, providing additional clinics, increasing diagnostic capacity and providing locum support. It is also supporting virtual clinics and more accurate triage, and is facilitating infrastructure improvements and equipment purchases to increase capacity across Rapid Access Clinics and surgical, medical and radiation oncology services. 

In addition, as part of Budget 2021, an extra €20m has been allocated for the continued implementation of the National Cancer Strategy this year. This funding is being used to facilitate developments across prevention, diagnosis, treatment and patient supports.

Decisions on the funding of cancer services next year will be made in the context of the Estimates process for 2022.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Questions (1590)

Alan Farrell


1590. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Minister for Health if healthcare workers are receiving adequate counselling and supports acknowledging the trauma they may have experienced working through the Covid-19 pandemic; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34373/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Health Services

Questions (1591)

Alan Farrell


1591. Deputy Alan Farrell asked the Minister for Health if he plans to engage with his healthcare colleagues and counterparts in Northern Ireland to establish a cancer services catch up programme task force; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34374/21]

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Written answers

There are no plans for the establishment of a cancer services taskforce. The continued development of cancer services in Ireland is guided by the aims and objectives of the National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026. The Strategy has received near universal support for the way forward that is mapped out and its implementation is a Programme for Government commitment, and is part of the implementation of Sláintecare.

We have seen significant progress on the implementation of the Strategy over the past four years, with clear evidence-based policy direction from my Department and strong implementation by the HSE's National Cancer Control Programme. Funding of €20m has been allocated for the continued implementation of the National Cancer Strategy this year. This funding is facilitating developments across prevention, diagnosis, treatment and patient supports.

Furthermore, an additional €12m has been allocated specifically for the restoration of cancer services in the context of Covid-19. This funding is supporting hospitals in addressing backlogs, extending clinic times, providing additional clinics, increasing diagnostic capacity and providing locum support. It is also supporting virtual clinics and more accurate triage, and is facilitating infrastructure improvements and equipment purchases to increase capacity across Rapid Access Clinics and surgical, medical and radiation oncology services. 

While there are no plans for the establishment of a cancer services taskforce with Northern Ireland, there is already strong and regular North/South collaboration in relation to oncology matters. In particular, we have worked very closely together in relation to the provision of radiotherapy services for Irish patients in the Northwest Cancer Centre, Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Derry. I look forward to continued engagement with counterparts in Northern Ireland to the benefit of cancer patients North and South.

Question No. 1592 answered with Question No. 1509.

Health Services

Questions (1593)

Matt Carthy


1593. Deputy Matt Carthy asked the Minister for Health when a person (details supplied) will be seen for occupational therapy, psychological therapy and physiotherapy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34470/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services. Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Medicinal Products

Questions (1594)

Chris Andrews


1594. Deputy Chris Andrews asked the Minister for Health the status of an application for the drugs payment scheme by a person (details supplied); and when they can expect a decision on their case. [34471/21]

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Written answers

As this Parliamentary Question relates to an operational issue, it is a matter for the HSE. However, members of the Oireachtas are advised that the HSE is currently unable to access the information to answer Parliamentary Questions due to the recent cyber-attack, which has required a temporary shut-down of HSE IT systems. The disruption to service is on-going, and the HSE is working hard to restore its IT capacity and resume normal services.

Members of the Oireachtas will be advised as soon as the HSE is again in a position to provide responses to PQs and are encouraged to resubmit their Parliamentary Questions at that point.

Covid-19 Pandemic

Questions (1595)

Matt Carthy


1595. Deputy Matt Carthy asked the Minister for Health the current guidance and advice to schools and churches in respect of organising First Holy Communion and Confirmation ceremonies; if these important events can now be organised; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34472/21]

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Written answers

As the Deputy will be aware, on 29 June, Government announced the next phase of reopening the economy and society in line with Recovery and Resilience: The Path Ahead.

While significant progress is being made in relation to the roll-out of our vaccination programme, the rapidly increasing prevalence of the more transmissible Delta variant, and the significant risk this poses, in particular to those who are not yet fully vaccinated, meant that a number of higher risk indoor activities did not recommence as planned on 5 July, pending the implementation of a system to verify vaccination or immunity status.

Disease incidence has increased rapidly in recent weeks, especially among those who are not yet fully protected through vaccination and the outlook for the coming weeks is very uncertain.

In line with the delay to other July measures, the current advice is that religious ceremonies (outside of weddings and funerals) should not go ahead at present. This is in recognition of the multi household, multi-generational nature of these events and linked social activities and is a response to concerns from public health across the regions in relation to gatherings of this nature. Unfortunately, due to current uncertainties there is not yet an indication of when religious ceremonies will recommence. The epidemiological situation will be monitored on an ongoing basis and the level of restrictions will be kept under review by Government. 

Church leaders have been very supportive of the overall national public health response to date and the Government will continue to work with them to ensure that all ceremonies can return when it is safe to do so.

Significant progress has been made on suppressing the virus over recent months due to the huge effort of people across the country. By working together, we have saved lives and limited the impact of the disease on society in Ireland. To protect the gains of recent months we must continue to practice basic preventative behaviours and to follow public health guidelines.

Health Service Executive

Questions (1596)

Peadar Tóibín


1596. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Health the number of women and-or families of women currently involved in court cases, litigation and negotiation with the HSE regarding the alleged misreading of their smear tests. [34473/21]

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The State Claims Agency (SCA) has a statutory remit to manage personal injury claims on behalf of Delegated State Authorities including the Health Service Executive. 

The information requested by the Deputy is not readily available. However, I have asked the State Claims Agency to provide this, and I understand that it will be collated shortly. I will respond directly to the Deputy on receipt of this.

Health Services

Questions (1597, 1628)

Peadar Tóibín


1597. Deputy Peadar Tóibín asked the Minister for Health the number of claims received to date by the CervicalCheck Tribunal.; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34474/21]

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Violet-Anne Wynne


1628. Deputy Violet-Anne Wynne asked the Minister for Health the number of claims made to the CervicalCheck Tribunal; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [34520/21]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 1597 and 1628 together.

The CervicalCheck Tribunal was established on 27 October 2020 under the CervicalCheck Tribunal Act 2019. Establishment of the Tribunal was finalised with the appointment of the nominated members to the Tribunal with effect from 1 December 2020.

The Tribunal has indicated to my Department that it has received eight claims. I am advised that there has been further interest expressed in using the Tribunal, and it is anticipated that additional claims will be received.

The Tribunal is the most appropriate venue to hear and determine CervicalCheck claims. It has been specifically designed for that purpose. It is, of course, entirely up to eligible women as to whether or not they use it.
