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National Minimum Wage

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 September 2021

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Questions (138)

Violet-Anne Wynne


138. Deputy Violet-Anne Wynne asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment if he will address the fact that 116 workers employed by Shannon Group are currently working below the minimum wage; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [44156/21]

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Written answers

Except for the employment of close relatives and registered industrial apprentices, the National Minimum Wage Act 2000 applies to all individuals engaged under a contract of employment. Failure to pay the national minimum hourly rate of pay is a criminal offence, punishable upon summary conviction, by a fine not exceeding €2,500 or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or both.

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) is an independent statutory office under the aegis of my Department. The WRC is responsible for the enforcement of, inter alia, compliance with minimum rates of remuneration in workplaces.

As part of its functions in this area, WRC Inspectors carry out announced and unannounced inspections at employer premises with a view to determining compliance by employers with employment law in the State and to ensure that employees are receiving their statutory entitlements. In the vast majority of such cases, compliance by the employer is achieved without the need for prosecution.

An individual who considers that they are not being paid in accordance with the National Minimum Wage Act 2000 may refer the matter to the inspectorate of the WRC. Inspectors are authorised to inspect records and to ensure compliance by employers with the provisions of the National Minimum Wage Act 2000.

Separately, an employee not in receipt of the national minimum hourly rate of pay may also refer a complaint for investigation to a WRC Adjudication Officer. The complaint form for referral of a complaint is available on the WRC website

Further information for both employers and employees is available from the WRC Information and Customer Services telephone service (Tel 1890 80 80 90) open 9.30 am to 05.00 pm - Monday to Friday.
