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Energy Conservation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 21 September 2021

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Questions (106)

Eoin Ó Broin


106. Deputy Eoin Ó Broin asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications the number of warmer homes schemes units that have been sold within five years of receiving the grant; and the breakdown of the costs recovered. [44538/21]

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The Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme (WHS) delivers a range of energy efficiency measures free of charge to low income households vulnerable to energy poverty. To date, over 143,000 homes have received free upgrades under the scheme.  In the first six months of 2021, the average value of the energy efficiency measures provided per household was approximately €17,100. Eligibility for the scheme is based on being in receipt of one of the following payments:

- Fuel Allowance as part of the National Fuel Scheme.

- Job Seekers Allowance for over six months and have a child under seven years of age.

- Working Family Payment.

- One-Parent Family Payment.

- Domiciliary Care Allowance.

- Carers Allowance and live with the person you are caring for.

SEAI has a Sale of Property process in place to review and assess each home which may potentially be in breach of clause 41 and 42 of the Scheme’s Terms and Conditions which relate to the selling of a property following a WHS upgrade.

The process involves:

1. Discovery of the sale: To establish if the scheme terms and conditions published on 2 August 2018 (as updated) apply to the homeowner and if, since receiving works under the WHS, they have sold or intend to sell their property within 5 years of receipt of funding.

2. Review of the works: To establish whether a demand for payment should be made.

3. Assessment on proceeding: To establish what payment amount should be demanded of the homeowner.

4. Collection of assessed monies due: To demand payment of the agreed amount and establish how payment will be made.

To date, the Sale of Property process has been applied to four homes. No case has resulted in a claim of monies to date.
