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Human Trafficking

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 21 September 2021

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Questions (487)

Neale Richmond


487. Deputy Neale Richmond asked the Minister for Justice the steps being taken to combat human trafficking in Ireland; if coordinated work is ongoing between An Garda Síochána and the Police Service of Northern Ireland to tackle this issue; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [44581/21]

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Human trafficking is a heinous crime based on deception and exploitation of vulnerable people. Combatting it is, and will continue to be, a priority for this Government. Over the past year we have introduced significant measures to combat trafficking, to create a more victim-centred approach to identifying and supporting victims, and to raise awareness and provide training.

While it was very disappointing that the US State Department did not acknowledge the significant progress made by Ireland over the past 12 months as sufficient to upgrade our ranking in the latest ‘Trafficking in Persons’ Report, I am confident that the work we are doing should be reflected in the next TiPs report and that Ireland’s ranking should be upgraded accordingly.

I note that a number of key areas identified in the latest TiPs Report reflect the ongoing work that is, in some cases, already well-advanced, including:

- The recent approval by Government to revise the National Referral Mechanism to make it easier for victims of trafficking to come forward, be identified and access advice, accommodation and support;

- The drafting of a new National Action Plan on Human Trafficking

- The development of training, through NGOs, targeting front line staff in industries such as hospitality, airline and shipping who may come into contact with trafficked persons;

- The work being undertaken to provide dedicated accommodation for female victims of sexual exploitation;

- The improvements being made to the Criminal Justice System to support victims through the implementation of Supporting a Victim's Journey ;

- The running of a new awareness raising campaign in partnership with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to build on the success of previous campaigns:

- An increase in funding for supporting victims of crime generally and increased funding dedicated specifically to supporting victims of trafficking.

In addition to highlighting the ongoing work underway to combat human trafficking and support those who are victims of it, I think it is also important to highlight the significance of the recent convictions for human trafficking handed down by the Courts and to acknowledge the dedication of An Garda Síochána in investigating and tackling this hideous crime.

An Garda Síochána has committed significant resources to the investigation and prosecution of human trafficking in Ireland. A specialised Garda Unit, the Human Trafficking Investigation and Co-ordination Unit (HTICU), has been in place since 2009 to conduct investigations into human trafficking. It also provides advice, support and where necessary, operational assistance to investigations at district level. An Garda Síochána is also active in relation to trafficking gangs through work targeting organised crime - targeting their finances, their use of the internet and by working closely with other jurisdictions.

A High Level Group established in November 2019, which includes An Garda Síochána, my Department and the Office of the DPP, meets regularly and keeps the legislative and operational framework for investigation and prosecution of trafficking under review.

I can advise the Deputy that human trafficking is on the agenda for the North South Policy Advisory Group (PAG) on victims and was mentioned at a meeting of Chairs of all the PAGs this week.

There is ongoing cooperation between An Garda Síochána and the Police Service of Northern Ireland on human trafficking and the two Departments and police services will explore how this might be further enhanced in the context of the development of a new Action Plan on Human Trafficking in this jurisdiction.
