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Covid-19 Pandemic

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 23 September 2021

Thursday, 23 September 2021

Questions (162)

Paul Murphy


162. Deputy Paul Murphy asked the Minister for Education the consideration given and the action she has taken to provide high-efficiency particulate absorbing filters for each classroom, learning room and staffroom. [45678/21]

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Updated guidance for schools on Practical Steps for the Deployment of Good Ventilation Practices in Schools was provided at the end of May following the work of an expert group that carefully considered the role of ventilation in managing COVID-19.

A copy of the guidance is published on the website.

The over-arching approach in the Department’s ventilation guidance for schools is to have windows open as fully as possible when classrooms are not in use and partially open when classrooms are in use. The practical steps and stepwise approach set out in the guidance are sufficient to ensure good ventilation practices in school while at the same time ensuring an appropriate balance between ventilation and comfort.

As part of following through on the updated guidance, the Department has procured CO2 monitors from a central framework and a supply of these are being distributed directly to schools which will assist them in managing their ventilation strategy. 25,000 monitors have been delivered to date with 96% of primary schools (including all special schools) having received their full allocation of CO2. Ten CO2 monitors have been provided to schools at post-primary level with the balance of their allocation expected to be distributed in October.

The Departments guidance also sets out the role Air cleaners can play in our schools but it is important to note that they do not remove CO2 and are not a substitute for good ventilation.

The requirement for air cleaners in schools will depend on advices provided to schools by their Architect/Engineer. However, as part of contingency planning, the Department has put arrangements in place for a small reserve of air cleaners to facilitate quick deployment to any primary or post-primary school which has an immediate need and has been unsuccessful in sourcing locally.
